1. Optical polarimetric surveys (WP1)
What makes our Galaxy’s ecosystem so fascinating is the complex interactions between its components: stars, gas, dust, magnetic fields, and cosmic rays. Of these components, the Galactic magnetic field may well be the most enigmatic. Only partially observable through indirect means, its study relies heavily on modeling, almost exclusively using line-of-sight integrated radio-polarimetric data. Although much has been learned, many questions are still unanswered especially about the turbulent, small-scale field component and out-of-plane field.
The innovations in the ERC project MAGALOPS are large independent data sets with 3D (distance) information – which can only be provided by stars polarized due to differential absorption by interstellar dust, with known distances – and more advanced Bayesian statistics which allows including prior knowledge and enables quantitative model comparison.
MAGALOPS consists of three sub-projects:
IMAGINE: the Interstellar Magnetic Field Inference Engine
Modeling (un)polarized interstellar dust