FNWI --- IMAPP Department of Astrophysics
Radboud University > Faculty of Science > Department of Astrophysics

Help :: Requested Wiki changes

Obviously there are a few things which still need to be adjusted with the Wiki; please leave a note on this page instead of sending around an email or just tell it to people. Thanks in advance!


Mediawiki syntax

I can't see the syntax page (permissions). It would be nice if one could use the extensive mediawiki syntax which is also standard on wikipedia. At the moment bullets and verbatim don't seem to work and the syntax for italic gives a typewriter font.


Implement math.


More general research menu

Make the items in research main menu more general. They should not be about the instruments but about the fields of research.

Instruments page

In education add a page instruments which lists the available instruments (optical telescopes, radio). I (pim) would like to add a page about LORUN with a manual and links to download the relevant software components. This way we have everything at a single location and students working on a project could expand the page.

Project information

There could also be links to projects (perhaps on a single projects page): LOFAR (software), UVEX survey, etc… Some pages could be internal, others external. This way the page is a central starting point to search for relevant information when starting to work on a project.

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