FNWI --- IMAPP Department of Astrophysics
Radboud University > Faculty of Science > Department of Astrophysics

The Fermi Bubbles/WMAP Haze: signs of jet-like activity from the Galactic centre or long timescale star-formation driven wind outflows?

Abstract: The recent discovery of enormous, bi-lateral bubbles of gamma-ray emission (the so-called Fermi Bubbles), accompanying a smaller haze of microwave emission (the WMAP haze) and seemingly centred on the Galactic centre has reinvigorated studies of (by definition) the closest example of a Galactic nucleus. Since then, many theories have been proposed as to the origin of these structures, which are difficult to describe coherently due to their hard spectrum and relatively uniform emission. Broadly, these theories fall into two camps: accelerated electrons (either in-situ or transported from, say, the Galactic centre), or that protons are accelerated elsewhere, are transported around and confined within the Bubbles, presumably via a wind/outflow. In this talk I will review the observational underpinnings of the Bubble's existence, outline the various theories proposed about their formation, show new evidence that possibly favours the protonic scenario and describe future efforts at uncovering the origin of some of the largest structures in our Galaxy.
