Outreach/PR events
This is a list of all outreach activities done by members of our institute. It includes talks, workshops, RIF and telescope tours, participation in the Open sterrenkijkavond, popular science articles, TV interviews, etc.
When editing, please use one line per person, i.e. if two people participated in the same event, there should be two lines unless the time investment of both was exactly the same. 'Time spent' (1) should include all time you spent, including preparations and travel. For long-term activities/responsibilities, please check “Other activities” at the bottom of the table.
| DATE | TIME | 1) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | Tuesdays in Jan/Feb | 13:30-17:30 | 4h | PUC of Science | Lectures & Tutorials | Søren, Rens, Gijs, Marijke | High-schoolers | NL | Nijmegen | Søren |
# | 11 Feb | 15:30-16:30 | 1h | German Councellor's day | Lecture | Michael | High school teachers and pupils | DE | Nijmegen | Michael |
# | 5 April | | 2h | Ouderdag Marie Curie | Lecture | Marijke | Students' parents | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
| DATE | TIME | 2) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | 18 Dec | 17:00 - 18:00 | | Black Hole Finder webinar | Presentations | Daniëlle, Fiore, Peter & Steven | Users of Black Hole Finder app | EN | Zoom | Steven |
# | 18 Dec | 18:00 - 22:00 | | Stargazing | Telescope tour | 2 students | Thalia (computing science) students | EN | Nijmegen | Agnes |
# | 14 Dec | 13:30 | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Organisation + moderation | Joost | Youngsters | NL | Nijmegen | Joost/Steven |
# | 12 Dec | 19:00 - 21:00 | | Stargazing | Telescope tour | 2 students | NSHV (honours) students | EN | Nijmegen | Agnes |
# | 5 Dec | morning | 2h | International Cosmic Day | Lecture | Katie | high school | EN | Nijmegen | Katie |
# | 29 Nov | - | 2h | Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | 2x lecture about BlackGEM | Steven | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Steven |
# | 20 Nov | 19:00 - 22:00 | | Stargazing | Telescope tour | 2 students | BeeVee (biology) students | EN | Nijmegen | Agnes |
# | 19 Nov | 11:45 | 1h | FNWI introduction tour | Telescope tour | Bram and 1 student | New FNWI employees | EN | Nijmegen | Agnes |
# | 16 Nov | 13:30 | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Organisation + moderation | Joost | Youngsters | NL | Nijmegen | Joost/Steven |
# | 9 Nov | 10:00 | 3.5h | Master Career Day | Talk | Casper | Astronomy master students | NL | Utrecht | Casper |
# | 2 Nov | 10:00 | 5h | Bachelor open day | Telescope tour | 4 students | Potential future students | NL | Nijmegen | Agnes |
# | 18 Oct | - | 3h | KOGEKA Forum | lecture about gravitational waves and BlackGEM | Steven | General public | NL | Geel, Belgium | Steven |
# | 18 Oct | - | 2h | KOGEKA technical secondary school | lecture about gravitational waves and building BlackGEM | Steven | Technical high school | NL | Geel, Belgium | Steven |
# | 11-17 Oct | | | Visit of Goch High School | Lectures, workshops, observing | Jörg, Frank, Michael W, Katie, Marijke et al | High School | NL | Huygens | Jörg |
# | 17 Oct | morning | 2h | Docentendag | Lecture | Katie | teachers | EN | Nijmegen | Katie |
# | 17 Oct | - | 3h | KNVWS Eindhoven | lecture about BlackGEM | Steven | General public | NL | Eindhoven | Steven |
# | 17 Oct | 20:00 | 2h | Schemerlicht festival | Lecture | Marijke | Art lovers | NL | Goffertpark Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 13 Oct | - | 3h | Jeugdcolleges Boerhaave | talk about black holes | Steven | children | NL | Leiden | Steven |
# | 12 Oct | 13:30 | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Organisation + moderation | Steven | Youngsters | NL | Nijmegen | Steven/Joost |
# | 12 Oct | 13:30 | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Lecture | Marijke | kids to pensionados | NL | Huygens building | Marijke |
# | 9 Oct | - | 3h | Dag van de Wetenschap, LOCHAL Tilburg | talk about black holes | Steven | children | NL | Breda | Steven |
# | 3 Oct | 19:00 | 4h | Lecture | Lipperhey Lecture | Marijke | Volkssterrenwacht Philippus Lansbergen | NL | Middelburg | Marijke |
# | 27 Sept | 19:30 | 2h | lezing | Open Sterrenkijkavond | Marijke | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 19 Sept | - | 3h | Sterrewacht Copernicus Overveen | lecture about BlackGEM | Steven | Amateur astronomers / general public | NL | Overveen | Steven |
# | 22 Aug | 10:00 | 5h | Video Universiteit van Nederland | Recording | Marijke | general public | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 11 June | 14:00 | 1h | Interview | Campus poet final presentation | Marijke | Radboud students and employees | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 2 June | 11:00 | 4h | Workshop | Interactive experiments with potential JWG members | Amanda | Primary & lower grades secondary school | NL | Haghorst | Amanda |
# | 31 May | 15:00 | 2h | Lezing | RU Alumni | Gijs | RU Alumni | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 16 May | - | 1h | Artikel | Kennislink | Gijs | General public | NL | Online | Gijs |
# | 2 May | 11:00 | 5h | Masterclass Hoogvliegers & Diepdenkers | Interactive masterclass about astronomy | Joost, Casper | Upper primary school | NL | Nijmegen | Maaike |
# | 10 April | 19:30 | 4h | lezing | Centaurus A | Marijke | Amateur Astronomers | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 9 April | - | 2h | Vox Magazine | Interview | Marijke | Radboud | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | April | - | 1h | Artikel | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | Gijs | General public | NL | Online | Gijs |
# | 23 Maart | 10:00 | 5h | Bachelor Open Day RU | Telescope tours | 2 students | Potential future students | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 22 Maart | 19:30 | 2h | lezing | Open Sterrenkijkavond | Marijke | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 21 Maart | 19:30 | 7h | lezing | Volkssterrenwacht Copernicus | Peter | General public | NL | Santpoort | Peter |
# | 20 Maart | 13:30 | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Organisation + moderation | Steven, Joost | Youngsters | NL | Nijmegen | Steven/Joost |
# | 16 Maart | - | 1h | lezing | Master Open Day | Gijs | Prospective students | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 16 Maart | - | 3h | Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien | lecture about BlackGEM | Steven | General public | NL | Gent, Belgium | Steven |
# | 20 Feb | 11:45 | 2h | FNWI introduction tour | Telescope tour | 2 students | New FNWI employees | EN | Nijmegen | Maaike |
# | 8 Feb | 10:00 | 7h | PUC Radio interferometer workshop | Workshop about radio astronomy | Christiaan, Jesse | High school | NL | Nijmegen | Christiaan |
# | 8 Feb | 11:30 | 3h | Middelburg sterrenwacht visitors | Telescope tour | 1 student | Amateur astronomers | NL | Nijmegen | Maaike |
# | 7 Feb | 19:00 | 2h | Vox article about nightly use of the Huygensbuilding telescopes | Article interview | Daniëlle | Vox readers | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 1 Feb | 12:30 | 6h | Boerhaave museum: Black Hole exposition | Recording videos for in the museum. Videos are now also available to a wider audience (Youtube, schools) | Daniëlle | General, incl museum visitors | NL | Amsterdam | Daniëlle |
# | 26 Jan | 13:30 | 4h | Viva Fysica | Talk about Black Hole Finder app | Daniëlle | Physics teachers & pupils | NL | Amsterdam | Daniëlle |
# | 26 Jan | 19:30 | 14h | Monthly meeting of Weer- en Sterrenkundige Vereniging “Jean Delsing”, Venlo | Lecture on Globular Clusters | Søren | Members of the club | NL | Venlo | Søren |
# | 26 Jan | 19:30 | 4h | Open sterrenkijk avond | Lezing over zwarte gaten | Peter | Public | NL | Nijmegen | Peter |
# | 25 Jan | 19:00 | 3h | Fabulinus telescope tour | Telescope tour | 2 students | Members of HAN association Fabulinus | NL | Nijmegen | Maaike |
# | 24 Jan | 14:15 | 3h | Vox podcast studio | Podcast on Astronomy/Euclid | Søren | Podcast listeners | NL | Nijmegen | Søren |
# | 18 Jan | 19:00 | 5h | PUC telescope tour | Telescope tour | 2 students | Physics teachers | EN | Nijmegen | Maaike |
# | 18 Jan | | 8h | PUC telescope tour | Create take-home exercise | Daniëlle | Physics teachers | EN | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 9 Jan | | 2h | Podcast interview | Podcast Interview | Peter | Joep van der Heiden | NL | Nijmegen | Peter J |
# | 22 Jan | 8.00 | 1h | Ensie.nl | Interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 29 Jan | | 2h | 21st Vienna Congress | Keynote speech | Heino | General Audience | AU | Wenen | Jacqueline |
# | 31 Jan | 9.00 | 1h | newscientist.nl | Zoom interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 22 feb | 9.00 | 1h | CORPORATE KITCHEN GmbH & Co | podcast interview | Heino | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 20 maart | 16.00 | 2h | Rijksmuseum Boerhaave | Official openingsspeech | Heino | General public | NL | Leiden | Jacqueline |
# | 8 april | 9.30 | 1h | Spraakmakers | Live radio interview | Heino | General public | NL | Hilversum | Jacqueline |
# | 10 april | 9.30 | 1h | Fly Namibie Magazine | interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 7 mei | 9.00 | 1h | WDR Hörfunk | zoom interview | Heino | radio audience | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 10 mei | 9.00 | 1h | ZDF Volle Kanne | tv guest | Heino | General Public | DE | Dusseldorf | Jacqueline |
# | 11 mei | 15.00 | 1h | Rijksmuseum Boerhaave | lecture | Noemi | General Public | NL | Leiden | Noemi |
# | 22 mei | 8.00 | 1h | Filosofie Magazine | interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 17 juni | 19.30 | 2h | Zugerberg Finanz | lecture | Heino | General audience | CH | Luzern | Jacqueline |
# | 19 juni | 11.30 + 19.30 | 4h | Zugerberg Finanz | lecture | Heino | General audience | CH | Zug | Jacqueline |
# | 20 juni | 11.30 | 1 | Swiss public Radio SRF | interview | Heino | General audience | CH | Bern | Jacqueline |
# | 19 aug | 9.00 | 2 | SAGS conference | plenary talk | Heino | professionals | ZA | Stellenbosch | Jacqueline |
# | 20 sept | 9.00 | 1 | Spraakmaker | live radio interview | Heino | listeners | NL | Hilversum | Jacqueline |
# | 27 sept | 20.00 | 2 | DeutschesSchauSpielHaus | guest/talk | Heino | professionals | DE | Hamburg | Jacqueline |
# | 7 okt | 17.00 | | Avond van W&M | guest | Heino | professionals | NL | Leiden | Jacqueline |
# | 8 okt | 10.00 | 2 | Rheingold Kongress | lecture | Heino | professionals | DE | Cologne | Jacqueline |
# | 11 nov | 18.00 | 1 | sky & telescope | interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 18 nov | 8.00 | 1 | Andere Zeiten e.V. | interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 26nov | 8.00 | 3 | Academia Europea | Lecture | Heino | Students | PL | Wrocław | Jacqueline |
# | 5 dec | 11.30 | 1 | Radboud Reflects | podcast interview | Heino | Students | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 5 dec | 18.00 | 1 | Live Science's Life's Little Mysteries | interview | Heino | readers magazine | NL | Nijmegen | Jacqueline |
# | 10 dec | 18.00 | 1 | Frank & Frei | tv guest | Heino | General audience | DE | Cologne | Jacqueline |
# | 12 dec | 10.30 | 1 | NOVA | Guest speaker | Heino | Profesionals | NL | den Haag | Jacqueline |
| DATE | TIME | 3) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | 20 Dec | | 5h | Article in NTvN (Dutch magazine for physics) | Article on Black Hole Finder app | Daniëlle | Magazine readers | NL | Magazine & NTvN website | Daniëlle |
# | 18 Dec | | 2h | NTR video on Black Hole Finder app | Online interview | Daniëlle | General | NL | Online | Daniëlle |
# | 15 Dec | 13-14 | | Radboud Try-Out | lecture | Marijke | 400 high schoolers | NL | Radboud | Marijke |
# | 6 Dec | 13-16 | | Grenslandconferentie | lecture | Michael J | 60 ppl | NL | Nijmegen | Michael J |
# | 01 Dec | 13-14 | | Radboud Try-Out | lecture | Marijke | 400 high schoolers | NL | Radboud | Marijke |
# | 01 Dec | | | Article in Gelderlander | interview | Gijs | readers | NL | Newspaper | Gijs |
# | 1 Dec | 19:00-20:00 | | Stargazing | Telescope tour | Daniëlle + student | 5-havo students | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 30 Nov | 13:00-13:30 | | PUC of Science telescope tour | Telescope tour | 2 students | 5-vwo students | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 20 Nov | 19:00-21:30 | | Stargazing | Telescope tours | 2 students | BeeVee (biology) students | EN | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 30 NOV | morning | 2h | International Cosmic Day | Lecture | Katie | high school | EN | Nijmegen | Katie |
# | 11 NOV | morning | 6h | Master's Career Day | Talk about career path | Katie | Master's students | EN | Utrecht | Katie |
# | 11 Nov | 10-16 | | KNVWS AstroDay | co-organisation | Merijn, Sandra, Joyce | KNVWS members | NL | Radboud | Harrie Nillissen |
# | 11 Nov | | | KNVWS AstroDay | lecture | Peter J | KNVWS members | NL | Radboud | Peter |
# | 4 Nov | 10:00-14:30 | | Bachelor Open Day | Telescope tours | 2 students | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 4 Nov | 09:00-11:-0 | | Bachelor Open Day | Information talks | Gijs | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 3 Nov | 19:30-21:00 | | Bachelor Open Day | Telescope tours | 2 students | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 12 Oct | 10-15 | | Internship high schooler | intro in dept/citizen science | Marijke | high schooler | NL | Radboud | Marijke |
# | 29 Sept | 19:00-22:00 | | Stargazing Evening | Lecture | Gijs | General | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse |
# | 9 Sept | 13-16 | | Open Monument Day | Telescope tours | 4 students | General | NL | Nijmegen | Amanda & Daniëlle |
# | 23 Aug | | | Article in NRC | interview | Gijs | readers | NL | Newspaper | Gijs |
# | 19 Aug | 20-22h | 2h | Popular lecture for amateur group | Lecture | Marijke | General | NL | Aarle-Rixtel | Marijke |
# | 28 Jul | | | Article in Volkskrant | quote | Gijs | readers | NL | Newspaper | Gijs |
# | 6 July | | 1h | Judging student projects for Earth Day | Judging | Amanda | Primary School children | | Online | Peter Barthel |
# | 12 May | 09:00 - 16:30 | 10h | Mobile Planetarium for 100 Gestures 100 years RU | Hosting | Amanda | General | NL | Wijkcentrum 't Hert | Amanda |
# | 12 May | 20:00 - 22:00 | 5h | 100 Gestures 100 years RU | Public engagemnt | Amanda | General | NL | Lentse Warande | Amanda |
# | 12 May | 19:30 - 22:00 | 3h | 100 Telescope for 100 years RU | Public engagement | Christiaan | General | NL | Lentse Warande | Amanda |
# | 12 May | 19:30 - 22:00 | 3h | 100 Telescope for 100 years RU | Public engagement | Ashley | General | NL | Lentse Warande | Amanda |
# | 12 May | 19:30 - 22:00 | 3h | 100 Telescope for 100 years RU | Public engagement | Bjarni | General | NL | Lentse Warande | Amanda |
# | 12 May | 19:30 - 22:00 | 3h | 100 Telescope for 100 years RU | Public engagement | Steven | General | NL | Lentse Warande | Amanda |
# | 12 May | 22:30 - 23:00 | 4h | Radboud Sounds | Lecture | Marijke | General | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 11 May | 20:00 - 23:00 | 3h | Tours telescopes Huygensbuilding for 100 years RU | Public engagement | Joris, Daniëlle, Noemi, Ashley, Steven | General | NL | Huygensbuilding | Amanda |
# | 18 Apr | 13:00 - 16:00 | 2h | Gravity Well experiment for PWS | Hosting | Amanda | Secondary school children | NL | Department | Amanda |
# | 14 Apr | | | WeekendAvisen | Article Interview | Daniele | General audience | DK | Press | Daniele |
# | 11 April | 16:00-17:00 | 2h | Discussions at Elementary School | Brainstorm about theme week | Marijke | Public | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 6 April | 20:00-22:00 | 4h | Natuurkundig Genootschap “Wessel Knoops“ | Lecture | Marijke | Public | NL | Arnhem | Marijke |
# | 31 Mar | 19:00-22:00 | | Stargazing Evening | Hosting | | General | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse |
# | 30 Mar | | | Videnskab.dk | Article Interview | Daniele | General audience | DK | Press | Daniele |
# | 25 Mar | 10:00-15:00 | | Bachelor Open Day | Telescope tours | 5 students | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Daniëlle |
# | 24 Mar | 08:30-12:30 | 4h | School Programme Can you Smell the Universe? | Teaching | Daniele | Year 1 & 2 SVO | NL | Department | Amanda |
# | 24 Mar | 08:30-12:30 | 4h | School Programme Can you Smell the Universe? | Teaching | Joris | Year 1 & 2 SVO | NL | Department | Amanda |
# | 24 Mar | 08:30-12:30 | 4h | School Programme Can you Smell the Universe? | Teaching | Sukanth | Year 1 & 2 SVO | NL | Department | Amanda |
# | 24 Mar | 08:30-12:30 | 4h | School Programme Can you Smell the Universe? | Teaching | Daniele | Year 1 & 2 SVO | NL | Department | Amanda |
# | 24 Mar | | 2h | School Programme Can you Smell the Universe? | Coordination | Amanda | Year 1 & 2 SVO | NL | Department | Amanda |
# | 26 Feb | | | Podcast BNR Wetenschap vandaag | interview | Gijs | listeners | NL | podcast | Gijs |
# | 20 Feb | | | NOS Nieuws en Co | interview | Gijs | listeners | NL | radio | Gijs |
# | 24 Feb | 19:00-22:00 | | Stargazing Evening | Lecture | Daniëlle | General | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse |
# | 24 Feb | 19:00-22:00 | | Stargazing Evening | Hosting | | General | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse |
# | 27 Jan | 19:00-22:00 | | Stargazing Evening | Hosting | | General | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse |
| DATE | TIME | 4) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT | |
# | whole year | 3FM Radio Show | Guest | Marc | Radio audience | NL | Radio | Marc | |
# | 12 Dec | 20:00-22:00 | 5h | Science Cafe | Lecture | Gijs | Public | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs | |
# | 10 Dec | 13:30-15:30 | 8h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Lecture | Marijke | Children | NL | Nijmegen + Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 10 Dec | 13:30-15:30 | 12h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Steven, Joost, Jenifer | Children | NL | Nijmegen + Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 1 Dec | 10:00-13:00 | 4h | International Cosmic Ray Day | Lecture | Katie | high school | NL | Nijmegen | Katie | |
# | 25 Oct | evening | 4h | Sterrenkijkavond | Tours & Lecture | Harry, Harrie, Jesse | General audience | EN | Nijmegen | Jesse | |
# | 23 Nov | all day | 8h | NZZ Connect | Lecture | Heino | Business leaders | EN | Basel | Amanda | |
# | 21 Nov | 18:00-21:30 | 8h | Literarische Salon | Lecture | Heino | General Audience | DE | Hannover | Amanda | |
# | 21 Nov | 12:00-13:00 | 1.5h | Leids Dagblad | Interview | Gijs | General public | NL | Zoom | Gijs | |
# | 15 Nov | 10:00-13:30 | 6h | Persdag SRON | Lecture | Gijs | Journalists | NL | Leiden | Gijs | |
# | 12 Nov | 13:30-15:30 | 8h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Lecture | Christiaan | Children | NL | Nijmegen + Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 12 Nov | 13:30-15:30 | 8h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Joost, Jenifer | Children | NL | Nijmegen + Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 11 Nov | 9:00-10:30 | 1.5h | Welt am Sonntag | Interview | Heino | General Audience | DE | Frechen | Amanda | |
# | 21 Nov | 12:00-13:30 | 1.5h | K-TV | Interview | Heino | General Audience | DE | Frechen | Amanda | |
# | 5 NOV | morning | 6h | Master Career Day | Talk about being a PhD student | Noemi | Astronomy Master students in NL | EN | Utrecht | Noemi | |
# | 4 NOV | evening | 5h | InScience film festival | Movie discussion and O&A | Antonio Vecchio, Hyerin Jang | General audience | EN | Nijmegen | Amanda | |
# | 4 Nov | 11:00-13:00 | 3h | Visit Andre Kuijpers | Lecture/discussion | Gijs | Ande Kuijpers | NL | Leiden | Gijs | |
# | 1 Nov | 11:30-15:00 | 8h | Interview ERF Talkwerk | Talkshow Guest | Heino | General audience | DE | Wetzlar | Amanda | |
# | 28 Oct | evening | 2h | Sterrenkijkavond | Lecture | Ashley | General audience | EN | Nijmegen | Jesse | |
# | 25 Oct | 10:00-14:00 | 6h | Workshop Georg Müller Gymnasium | Lecture | Heino | Children | DE | Bielefeld | Amanda | |
# | 21 Oct | 18:00-23:00 | 6h | Abtei Brauweiler | Lecture | Heino | General Audience | DE | Brauweiler | Amanda | |
# | 20 Oct | 15:00-16:00 | 1h | Facilitating NOS Jeugdjournaal item | Supervising | Amanda | Press | NL | Nijmegen | Amanda | |
# | 20 Oct | 10:00-11:00 | 1h | Den nye rumalder | Interview | Daniele | Danish radio 4 | DK | Radio | Daniele | |
# | 14 Oct | 18:00-21:30 | 6h | Leiden Science 2022 | Lecture | Heino | General Audience | NL | Leiden | Amanda | |
# | 13 Oct | morning | 3h | Slovenian news | Interviews | Hein | General audience | EN | Nijmegen | Amanda | |
# | 1 Nov | 11:30-15:00 | 8h | Interview ERF Talkwerk | Talkshow Guest | Heino | General audience | DE | Wetzlar | Amanda | |
# | 1 Nov | 11:00-13:30 | 6h | KNA Lerarendag | Lecture | Gijs | Highschool teachers | NL | Amsterdam | Gijs | |
# | 28 Oct | evening | 2h | Sterrenkijkavond | Lecture | Ashley | General audo | Press | EN | Novi Gorica | Amanda |
# | 13 Oct | morning | 1.5h | Public talk | Lecture | Heino | High school & university studnets | EN | Novi Gorica | Amanda | |
# | 13 Oct | evening | 4h | Honorary Doctorate Ceremony | Speech | Heino | Invited Guests | EN | Novi Gorica | Amanda | |
# | 10-13 Oct | 09:30-17:00 | 5*7,5h | Schülerpraktikum Kleve and Goch | Lectures/Q&A/Activities | Jörg, Katharine, Marc F., Marijke, Frank, Michael, Simon | High-school pupils | EN, DE | Nijmegen | Michael | |
# | 10 Oct | 18:00-23:30 | 7h | Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij | Speech | Heino | Invited guests | NL | Leiden | Amanda | |
# | 8 Oct | 13:30-15:30 | 8h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Lecture | Rens | Children | NL | Nijmegen + Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 8 Oct | 13:30-15:30 | 6h*2 | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Joost, Steven | Children | NL | Nijmegen + Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 6 Oct | 10:30-15:30 | 8h | Space Symposium | Lecture | Gijs | Professionals | NL | Delft | Gijs | |
# | 1 Oct | 8:30-16:30 | 10h | Open House 65yr FNWI | Workshops | Jesse V., Danielle, Anastasia, Andre, Rens, Amanda | Children & general audience | NL, EN | Nijmegen | Amanda | |
# | 30 Sep | 19:30-21:30 | 2h | Sterrenkijkavond | Lecture | Nicola | General audience | EN | Nijmegen | Jesse | |
# | 28 Sep | 10:30-11:30 | 1h | Kißa | Interview | Heino | Press | DE | Frechen | Amanda | |
# | 18 Sep | 21:00-23:00 | 2h | Merate under the stars | Lecture | Mery | General audience | IT | Merate | Mery | |
# | 16 Sep | 9:00-10:00 | 1h | DLF Kulturradio | Interview | Heino | General Audience | DE | Cologne | Amanda | |
# | 15 Sep | 18:00-22:00 | 5h | Innovate Festival | Public Talk | Heino & Marc | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Amanda | |
# | 13 Sep | 10:00-17:00 | 8h | Op Weg Naar Waarheid: Omroep Gelderland | TV Guest | Heino | General Audience | NL | Brummen | Amanda | |
# | 1 Sep | 19:30-22:00 | 2.5h | Weer- en Sterrenkundige Kring Zaanstreek Vesta | Lecture | Peter | General audience | NL | Oostzaan | Peter | |
# | 15 Aug | 10:00-11:30 | 1.5h | CSA Celebrity Speakers | Podcast Interview | Heino | General Audience | EN | Zoom | Heino | |
# | 1 Aug | 10:00-11:00 | 1.0h | Kristeligt Dagblad | Article interview | Daniele | General audience | DK | Press | Daniele | |
# | 1 Aug | 10:00-11:00 | 1.0h | Videnskab.dk | Article interview | Daniele | General audience | DK | Press | Daniele | |
# | 6 Jul | 19:00-22:00 | 5h | NVR lezingen | Lezing | Gijs | NVR members | NL | Zoom | Gijs | |
# | 27 Jun | 9:00-10:00 | 1h | Filosofie Magazine | Interview | Heino | Magazine readers | NL | Phone | Amanda | |
# | 25 Jun | 13:30-15:30 | 4h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Steven | Children | NL | Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 24 Jun | 19:30 - 21:30 | 2h | Volkssterrewacht Bussloo | Lecture | Marc | public | NL | Bussloo | Marc | |
# | 24 Jun | 17:00 - 20:00 | 3h | Conexión Sin Frontera Project | Lecture | Yenifer | public | ES | Online webinar | Yenifer | |
# | 21 Jun | evening | | Haarlemse Ondernemings Societeit | Lecture | Marc | public | NL | Haarlem | Marc | |
# | 1 Jun | 19:00-20:00 | 4h | ERF Themenabed | Talkshow Guest | Heino | General Audience | DE | Wetzlar | Amanda | |
# | 30 May | 16:00-18:00 | 2h | University of Helsinki | Lecture | Heino | General Audience | EN | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 18 May | 12:00-13:20 | 2h | Radboud reflects Sgr A* talk | Lecture & Q&A | Heino, Raquel, Alejandra | General public | EN | Nijmegen + streaming | Alejandra | |
# | 18 May | | | UNAM | Public Talk | Marc | General public | EN | Namibia | Marc | |
# | 14 May | 12:00-13:00 | 1h | ANEWS Turkey | Interview Sgr A* | Heino | General Audience | EN | Zoom | Heino | |
# | 13 May | 8:00-8:30 | 0.5h | BBC World Service | Radio interview Sgr A* | Heino | General Audience | EN | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 13 May | 9:00-9:30 | 0.5h | Evening Standard Tech & Science | Newspaper interview Sgr A* | Heino | General Audience | EN | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 13 May | 15:00-16:00 | 1h | Quanta Magazine | Interview Sgr A* | Heino | Magazine readers | EN | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 13 May | 18:00-22:30 | 4.5h | EHT celebration Sgr A* Artis Planetarium | Lecture & networking | Heino, Amanda, almost all EHT members | General public | EN | Amsterdam | Amanda | |
# | 12 May | 16:00-17:00 | 1h | Volkskrant, NRC | Interview Sgr A* | Heino | General Audience | NL | Phone | Amanda | |
# | 12 May | 23:00-00:00 | 1h | Op1 | Talkshow guest for Sgr A* | Heino | General Audience | NL | Hilversum | Amanda | |
# | 12 May | 18:00-21:00 | 4h | Sgr A* Reddit outreach event | Q&A | Many people incl. Michael, Jesse, Noemi, Aris, Raquel, Alejandra | General public | EN | Worldwide (online) | Alejandra | |
# | 12 May | 14:00-16:00 | 4h | Sgr A* press release Q&A | Q&A | Jörg, Alejandra, Michael, Andre, Raquel, Amanda | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Alejandra | |
# | 10 May | 15:00-16:00 | 1h | NOS Journaal | Interview Sgr A* | Heino, Michael, Jesse V., Noemi | General Audience | NL | Amsterdam | Amanda | |
# | 7 May | 13:30-15:30 | 4h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Steven | Children | NL | Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 5 May | 17:00-21:00 | 4h | Erfurt Herbstlese | Book event | Heino | General Audience | DE | Erfurt | Amanda | |
# | 4 May | 18:00-20:30 | 2.5h | Jena Planetarium | Book event | Heino | General Audience | DE | Jena | Amanda | |
# | 3 May | 18:30-21:00 | 2.5h | Nürnberg Planetarium | Book event | Heino | General Audience | DE | Nürnberg | Amanda | |
# | May | - | | Mobile Planetarium tour | Guide | Marc | Children | EN | Namibia | Marc | |
# | May | - | | Provide content for Namibia Mobile Planetarium training | Training Sheets | Yenifer, Joanna Holt | Namibia Mobile Planetarium personal | EN | Namibia | Yenifer | |
# | 22 Apr | 21:00-23:00 | 2h | Circolo astrofili veronesi | Lecture | Daniele | Amateur Astronomers | IT | Verona | Daniele | |
# | 20 Apr | 19:30-22:00 | 2.5h | Thales KNVWS | Lecture | Peter | General Audience | NL | Zwolle | Peter | |
# | 11 Apr | 19:30-22:00 | 2.5h | Ede KNVWS | Lecture | Peter | General Audience | NL | Ede | Peter | |
# | 9 Apr | 13:30-15:30 | 4h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Steven | Children | NL | Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 7 Apr | 18:00-21:00 | 3h | Mannheim Planetarium | Book event | Heino | General Audience | DE | Mannheim | Amanda | |
# | 6 Apr | 18:00-20:30 | 2.5h | Bochum Planetarium | Book event | Heino | General Audience | DE | Bochum | Amanda | |
# | 1 Apr | 19:30-21:30 | 2h*4 | Astro evening webinar | Hosting | Jesse, Steven, Noemi, Sumedha, Joris | general public | NL | Online | Jesse | |
# | 31 Mar | 10:00-12:00 | 3h | Podcast (Edda Heinsma) | Interview | Gijs | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs | |
# | 30 Mar | 10:00-12:00 | 2h | Eibelshauber | Interview | Heino | General Audience | DE | Frechen | Amanda | |
# | 25 Mar | evening | 4h | Sterrenkijkavond | Lecture | Danielle, Joris | General audience | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse | |
# | 24 Mar | 8:00-17:30 | 8.5h | BBC | Interview EHT | Heino | General Audience | EN | Grenada | Amanda | |
# | 23 Mar | 8:00-10:30 | 2.5h | Nederlands Dagblad | Column | Heino, Amanda | Newspaper Subscribers | NL | Online | Amanda | |
# | 16 Mar | 15:00-16:00 | 1h | New Scientist | Interview | Gijs | General Audience | NL | Email | Gijs | |
# | 13 Mar | 11:00-13:00 | 2h | Paradiso Lezingen | Public Talk | Heino | General Audience | NL | Amsterdam | Amanda | |
# | 12 Mar | 13:30-15:30 | 4h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Steven | Children | NL | Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 10 Mar | 20:45-21:45 | 1h | La semina cultural association | Lecture | Daniele | General public | IT | Online | Daniele | |
# | 9 Mar | 19:30-21:30 | 2h | KNVWS Eemsmond | Lecture | Heino | Amateur Astronomers | NL | Appingedam | Amanda | |
# | 9 Mar | morning | 2h | LIGO-India: Women's Week Interview | Q&A | Sumedha | General Audience | EN | Online | Sumedha | |
# | 8 Mar | 9:30-12:00 | 2.5h | TVG Assen | Lecture & discussion Science & Faith | Heino | Christians | NL | Assen | Amanda | |
# | 4 Mar | 19:30-21:30 | 2h*4 | Astro evening webinar | | Jesse, Steven, Rens, Marc v.d. S, Joris, Youri | general public | NL | Online | Jesse | |
# | 3 Mar | 18:00-19:30 | 1.5h | Bistum Limburg Catholic Adult further education | Lecture | Heino | Catholics | DE | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 1 Mar | 16:30-17:30 | 1h | ERF Gott Finden | Interview | Heino | Christians | NL | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 21 Feb | full day | 4h*10? | School programme | Workshops | many people | Children | NL, EN | Nijmegen | Amanda, Emma | |
# | 12 Feb | 13:30 - 16:30 | 3h | Sterrenkunde Club | Lecture | Marc | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Marc | |
# | 8 Feb | 15:30-16:30 | 1h | De Bezieling website | Interview | Heino | General Audience | NL | Phone | Amanda | |
# | 5 Feb | 19:30-21:30 | 2h | Schauspiel Haus Navid Kermani | Book Event | Heino | General Audience | DE | Cologne | Heino | |
# | 4 Feb | 19:30-21:30 | 2h*4 | Astro evening webinar | | Jesse, Steven, Aris, Abha, Silvia | general public | NL | Online | Jesse | |
# | 4 Feb | 19:30-21:30 | 2h*4 | Sterrenkijkavond | lecture | Katie | general public | NL | Online | Katie | |
# | 28 Jan | 20:00-22:00 | 6h | KNVWS Hoogeveen lecture GW+BlackGEM | Lecture | Steven | amateur astronomers | NL | Online | Steven | |
# | 27 Jan | 19:00-20:30 | 1.5h | Global Leadership Conference | Lecture | Heino | Christian Ambassadors in Bern | EN | Zoom | Amanda | |
# | 21 Jan | morning | 3h | In Situ, Tendances | Interviews book | Heino | Press | EN | Paris | Amanda | |
# | 20 Jan | full day | 9h | Le Point, l’agence la Bande, AFP, Philosophie Magazin, Le Figaro | Interviews book | Heino | Press | EN | Paris | Amanda | |
# | 19 Jan | full day | 9h | TV5 Monde, ALP, RFI, Le Petit Journal, Liberation | Interviews book | Heino | Press | EN | Paris | Amanda | |
# | 17-21 Jan | week | ? | Owner @NL-Wetenschap twitter account | Provide content | Marijke | worldwide | NL | twitter | Marijke | |
# | 15 Jan | 13:30-15:30 | 4h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Hosting | Steven | Children | NL | Online webinar | Steven | |
# | 14 Jan | 15:00-16:00 | 1h | Zeit Wissen | Interview | Heino | Press | DE | Phone | Amanda | |
# | 11 Jan | 8:30-9:30 | 1h | Christliches Radio | Interview | Heino | Press | DE | Phone | Amanda | |
# | 7 Jan | 8:00-14:00 | 6h | Cosmic Ray Experience | Lecture+Demonstration | Katie | middle school students | EN | USA | Katie | |
| DATE | TIME | 5) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | 4 DEC | afternoon | 4h | Eindhoven student society event | Talk about BHC/EHT | Thomas Bronzwaer | Technical students in Eindhoven | EN | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 4 DEC | afternoon | 2h | Radboud Sterrenkundeclub | Hosting | Emma, Steven | children | NL | Zoom | Emma |
# | 13 NOV | morning | 6h | Master Career Day | Talk about being a PhD student | Anne Inkenhaag | Astronomy Master students in NL | EN | Utrecht | Anne |
# | 17 NOV | evening | 4h | KNVWS Eindhoven | Lecture | Steven | amateur astronomers | NL | Zoom | Steven |
# | 11 NOV | evening | 5h | InScience film festival | Movie discussion and Q&A | Peter Galison, Inge de Vries, Michael Wondrak | General audience | EN | Nijmegen | Michael (Wondrak) |
# | 6 NOV | afternoon | 2h | Radboud Sterrenkundeclub | Hosting | Steven | children | NL | Zoom | Steven |
# | 29 OKT | evening | 3h | Sterrenkijkavond (with registration) | Preparing | Jesse | General audience | NL | Nijmegen | Jesse |
# | 2 OKT | afternoom | 2h | Radboud Sterrenkundeclub | Hosting | Emma, Steven | children | NL | Zoom | Emma |
# | 24 SEP | evening | 3h | (Online) Sterrenkijkavond | Hosting & Organizing | Jesse | General audience | NL | Zoom | Jesse |
# | 24 SEP | evening | 1h | Sterrenkijkavond | lecture | Marijke | General audience | NL | Zoom | Marijke |
# | 24 SEP | evening | 0.5h | Sterrenkijkavond | short Talk | Emma, Christiaan, Danielle | General audience | NL | Zoom | Jesse |
# | 14 JUL | 23:00 - 01:00 | 2h | Orígenes Talks | Talk | Yenifer | Astronomy students / General public | ES | Online webinar | Yenifer |
# | 30 JUN | evening | 2h | Centaurus A | Talk | Søren | General audience | NL | Zoom | Søren |
# | 30 JUN | evening | 3h | Asteroid Day | Talk | Danielle | NVR members (Netherlands Space Society) | EN | Zoom | Danielle |
# | 24 JUN | evening | 5h | Master Student Summer Programme Talk at University of Washington USA | Outreach on black holes | Monika | Astronomy Master students | EN | Zoom | Monika Moscibrodzka |
# | 10 JUN | morning | 3h | RU promotional video solar eclipse | Talking | Emma | General audience / prospective students | NL | RU YouTube | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 10 JUN | afternoon | 3h | Solar eclipse livestream | Hosting | Emma | General audience | NL | Zoom | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 7 JUN | - | - | Radboud Science Podcast | Interview | Marijke | General audience | NL | | Marijke |
# | 29 MAY | afternoon | 4h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Outreach on black holes | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 10-14 MAY | all day | 30h | LIGO-Virgo Open Data Workshop #4 | Mentor | Sumedha | General audience | EN | Online | Sumedha |
# | 19 MAY | afternoon | 30m | Interview | Interview | Marijke | French high-school student | FR | Zoom | Marijke |
# | 8 MAY | afternoon | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Hosting | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 29 APR | night | 5h | Russell and Brenda Frank Astronomy Lecture at University of Nevada/USA | Outreach Talk | Monika | General Audience | EN | Zoom | Monika Moscibrodzka |
# | 17 APR | afternoon | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Hosting | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 15 APR | morning | 2h | Girl's Day | Talk | Danielle, Emma | Female high school students | NL | Zoom | Emma |
# | 15 APR | morning | 1h | Girl's Day | Video introducing female astronomers | Abha, Anne, Danielle, Emma, Jose, Marijke, Nergis, Sumedha | Female high school students | NL | Zoom | Emma |
# | 5 APR | evening | 0.5h | Astronomy on Tap Groningen | Talk | Hector Olivares | General audience | EN | Zoom | Hector Olivares |
# | 27 MAR | afternoon | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Hosting | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 26 MAR | Evening | 3h | Sterrenkijkavond | Talk, hosting | Frank, Emma | General audience | EN | Zoom | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 25 MAR | afternoon | 2h | EHT Major Press Release | Talk | Monika | General Audience Radboud University | EN | Zoom | Monika Moscibrodzka |
# | 27 FEB | afternoon | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Hosting | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 27 FEB | afternoon | 1h | Ouderdag Marie curie | lecture | Marijke | Students' parents | NL | Zoom | Marijke |
# | 26 FEB | Evening | 3h | Sterrenkijkavond | Hosting | Emma | General audience | NL | Zoom | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 26 FEB | evening | 1h | Sterrenkijkavond | lecture | Marijke | General audience | NL | Zoom | Marijke |
# | 19 FEB | night | 1h | STEM Week Arkansas State U. Campus Queretaro | Talk | Hector Olivares | Bachelor students | EN | Zoom | Hector Olivares |
# | 13 FEB | 20:00 - 23:30 | 3.5h | Universos Miltidiversos / Women in astronomy Celebration | Talk | Yenifer | General public | ES | Online webinar | Yenifer |
# | 6 FEB | afternoon | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Hosting | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | Thomas Bronzwaer |
# | 5 FEB | afternoon | 3h | Pre-University College | lecture & tutorial | Marijke | High-school students | NL | RU | Marijke |
# | 29 JAN | Evening | 3h | Sterrenkijkavond | Talk, hosting | Gijs, Emma | General audience | NL | Zoom | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 16 JAN | afternoon | 2h | Sterrenkundeclub lecture | Hosting | Thomas Bronzwaer, Steven | General audience | NL | Zoom | |
# | 2021 | - | 40h | Preparation astronomy school programma | Preparation | Steven,Emma,Anastasia,Merijn,Amanda,Martijn,Ashley,Jwalant | primary school kids | EN/NL | Zoom | Emma van der Wateren |
| DATE | TIME | 6) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | JAN - DEC | morning | 40h | Daily discussion | Sharing and explaining relevant content | Davide | general audience | IT | Facebook group “Il messaggero astrale” | Davide |
# | 12 DEC | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Webinar hosting | Steven, ThomasB | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 27 NOV | evening | 2h | Stargazing evening | Talk and discussion panel | Marc, Joris, Jwalant, Ashley, Emma | general audience | EN | Nijmegen | Emma |
# | 30 OCT | evening | 2h | Stargazing evening | Talk and tour of the domes | Onno, Martijn, Emma | general audience | NL | Nijmegen | Emma |
# | 24 OCT | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Talk | Christiaan | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 24 OCT | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Webinar hosting | Steven, ThomasB | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 17 & 18 OCT | whole day | 2h | Online Ontdekdagen | Webcollege | Christiaan & Emma | general audience | NL | Nijmegen | Emma |
# | 26 SEP | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Talk | ThomasB | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 26 SEP | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Webinar hosting | Steven, ThomasB | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 25 SEP | evening | 2h | Stargazing evening | Talk and discussion panel | Monica, Bjarni, Daan, Freek, Emma | general audience | EN + NL | Nijmegen | Emma |
# | 5 AUG | evening | 1h | Telus Spark Camp Girls Heart Science | Talk and Q&A | Sara | primary school students | EN | Kingston, CA (remotely) | Sara |
# | 20 JUN | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Talk | Conny | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 20 JUN | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Webinar hosting | Steven, ThomasB | School students | NL | Zoom | ThomasB |
# | 5 JUN | evening | 1h | Canadian Online Science Fair | Q&A | Sara | middle school students | EN | Kingston, CA (remotely) | Sara |
# | 29 FEB | evening | 2h | Stargazing evening | Talk and discussion panel | Davide, Emma, Yenifer, Thomas and Joris | general audience | EN + NL | RU | Emma |
# | 28 FEB | evening | | KNVWS Venlo | Talk | Marijke | KNVWS members | NL | Venlo | Marijke |
# | 25 FEB | evening | 1h | ‘2020: A Space Odyssey’ Symposium at Grinnell College | Keynote Talk | Sara | general audience | EN | Iowa, USA | Sara |
# | 7 FEB | afternoon & evening | 6h | VAS, Zuid-Drenthe | Talk | Peter | KNVWS members | NL | Hoogeveen | Peter |
# | 6 FEB | morning | 3h | Snuffelstage | stage | Peter | High school student | NL | RU | Peter |
# | 1 FEB | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Talk | Christiaan | School students | NL | RU | ThomasB |
# | 1 FEB | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Organisation | ThomasB | School students | NL | RU | ThomasB |
# | 31 JAN | evening | 2h | Stargazing evening | Talk and pubquiz | Jordy, Emma | general audience | NL | RU | Emma |
# | 15 JAN | evening | 4h | KNVWS Arnhem | Talk | Steven | KNVWS members | NL | Arnhem | Steven |
# | 14 JAN | afternoon | 3h | PUC of Science | Talk, RIFtour and exercise class | Yenifer, Luiz and Marijke | High school students | NL | RU | Marijke |
# | 11 JAN | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Talk | Steven | School students | NL | RU | ThomasB |
# | 11 JAN | afternoon | 3h | Sterrenkundeclub Radboud | Organisation | ThomasB | School students | NL | RU | ThomasB |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| DATE | TIME | 7) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | JAN - DEC | morning | 40h | Daily discussion | Sharing and explaining relevant content | Davide | general audience | IT | Facebook group “Il messaggero astrale” | Davide |
# | 6 DEC | – | 2h | IMC weekendschool | Talk, Q&A and acitivity | Emma van der Wateren | Primary school students | NL | Tilburg | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 29 NOV | – | 1h | Astronomy master's career day | Talk and Q&A | Emma van der Wateren | Master students | NL | Utrecht | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 29 NOV | – | 1h | Stargazing astro panel | Talk and Q&A | R. Alves Batista, M. Chruslinska, J. Klencki, J. Kersten | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | |
# | 29 NOV | – | 1h | Stargazing | Talk on astrobiology | Rafael Alves Batista | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | |
# | 12 NOV | – | 14h | Faszinierendes Weltall | EHT talk | Michael Janssen | General Audience | DE | Goettingen | Michael Janssen |
# | 25 NOV | – | 4h | Round Table Xanten | EHT talk | Michael Janssen | General Audience | DE | Kalkar | Michael Janssen |
# | 13 NOV | – | – | PHD Symposium at the university | outreach talk | Monika Moscibrodzka | General Audience | NL | Eindhoven | Monika Moscibrodzka |
# | 9 NOV | 20:00 | – | Concert Sounds of Interstellar Space | lecture with concert | Marijke Haverkorn | General Audience | NL | Radboud | |
# | 5 NOV | – | 4h | Rotary Club | EHT talk | Michael Janssen | Amateur Astronomers | DE | Kevelaer | Michael Janssen |
# | 2 NOV | – | 2h | Geonoa Science Festival | EHT panel Q&A | Sara Issaoun, Ciriaco Goddi | General Audience | IT | Genoa | Sara Issaoun |
# | 1 NOV | 20:00 | 6h | Astronomy association Christiaan Huygens | 2-hour Public Lecture about black holes & EHT | Raquel Fraga-Encinas | Amateur Astronomers | NL | Papendrecht | Raquel Fraga-Encinas |
# | 25 OCT | – | 1h | Stargazing pubquiz | pubquiz | Irene Polderman | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Irene Polderman |
# | 25 OCT | – | 1h | Stargazing lecture | Talk & Q&A on binaries | Nadejda Blagorodnova | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Nadejda Blagorodnova |
# | 21 OCT | – | 10h | Brainwash festival | Interview | Gijs Nelemans | General Audience | NL | Amsterdam | Gijs Nelemans |
# | 19 OCT | – | 18h | Vereinigung der Sternfreunde | EHT talk | Michael Janssen | Amateur Astronomers | DE | Neunburg vorm Wald | Michael Janssen |
# | 16 OCT | – | | Practicum Gaesdonck | Lecture | Marijke Haverkorn | Students from two German high schools | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
# | 11-13 OCT | – | 2day | AstroGalicia 2019: Festa Das Estrelas | Public Lecture about black holes & workshop on radioastronomy | Raquel Fraga-Encinas | Amateur Astronomers | ES | Castrelo de Mino | Raquel Fraga-Encinas |
# | 10 OCT | – | | Visit | Meelopen | Marijke Haverkorn | High school student | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
# | 06 OCT | – | | 1h | Flemish Amateur Astronomical Society (VVS) Keynote talk on EHT | Sara Issaoun | General Audience | BE | Knokke | Sara Issaoun |
# | 27 SEPT | – | – | PHD Symposium at Brain Disease Research Center VIB/KULEUVEN | outreach talk | Monika Moscibrodzka | General Audience | BE | Leuven | Monika Moscibrodzka |
# | 27 SEP | – | 1h | Stargazing lecture | Talk & Q&A on pulsars | Emma van der Wateren | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 27 SEP | – | 1h | Stargazing astro panel | EHT talk | Janssen, vd Wateren, Sukanth, Larsen | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 24-26 SEPT | – | 3day | European Research & Innovation Days | Exhibition for European Policy makers | Fraga-Encinas/Janssen/Bronzwaer | General Audience | BE | Brussels | Raquel Fraga-Encinas |
# | 16 SEP | 20:00 | – | Meeting Dutch Geological Association (NGV) mid-NL | lecture | Marijke Haverkorn | NGV members | NL | Laren | |
# | 13 JUN | 18:00 | 4h | Workshop e Masterclass al COI di Utrecht | Lecture about multi-messenger astronomy and light pollution | Davide Lena | general audience | IT | Stichting Patronato ACLI (Utrecht) | Davide Lena |
# | 4 JUN | 11 | | Astronomy Olympiad | Lecture | Marijke Haverkorn | high school students | NL | Radboud | Marijke Haverkorn |
# | 3-5 JUN | | | Astronomy Olympiad | various | many | high school students | NL | Radboud | |
# | 3-5 JUN | | | Astronomy Olympiad | Organisation | Emma van der Wateren | high school students | NL | Radboud | Emma van der Wateren |
# | 25 MAY | – | 1h | Dutch technology week | EHT talk | Michael Janssen | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Michael Janssen |
# | 20 MAY | 19:00 | 6h | Pint of Science NL | Presentation about EHT results | Raquel Fraga-Encinas | general audience | NL | Nijmegen | Raquel Fraga-Encinas |
# | 20 MAY | 19:00 | 6h | Pint of Science NL | Presentation about Black Holes | Daniel Kok | general audience | NL | Nijmegen | Daniel Kok |
# | 12 APR | – | 3h | Omroep Gelderland | TV and radio interview about EHT | Janssen & Roelofs | General Audience | NL | Arnhem | Michael Janssen |
# | 14 APR | – | 3h | Falkhof Museum | Talks about EHT & live music | Janssen, Roelofs, Issaoun, Brinkerink, Bronzwaer, Falcke | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Michael Janssen |
# | 15 APR | – | 2h | Radboud reflects | EHT Q&A | Janssen, Roelofs, Issaoun, Zhao, Bronzwaer, Falcke | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Michael Janssen |
# | 10 APR | – | 20h | Radboud University | EHT satellite press event | Brinkerink, van Rossum, Young, Nelemans | Press/colleagues/General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs Nelemans |
# | 10 APR | – | 100h? | EC Brussels | EHT press event | Janssen, Roelofs, Issaoun, Zhao, Bronzwaer, Falcke, Moscibrodzka | Press/colleagues/General Audience | B | Brussels | Gijs Nelemans |
# | 29 MAR | – | 1h | Stargazing lecture | Talk & Q&A on EHT | Sara Issaoun | General Audience | NL | Nijmegen | Sara Issaoun |
# | 12 JAN | – | 5h | Lecture Volkssterrenwacht Gent | Talk | Steven Bloemen | General Audience | NL | Gent (BE) | Steven Bloemen |
WHAM ORGANISER: Hamid Reza Pourshaghaghi (since ?)
JOURNAL CLUB ORGANISER: A. Igoshev (since May 2016), B. Pont (since June 2017), A. Gvozdenko (Since Nov 2019), Monika Moscibrodzka (admin of http://radboud.voxcharta.org/ for JOURNAL CLUB)
RUastro Web Maintenance: Steven Bloemen (since 2015)
RUastro twitter account: Roque (since October 2015), Steven (since March 2016), Jordy (since October 2016)
BlackHoleCam twitter account: Raquel and Jordy
Telescope contact person: Leon Houben (since October 2017)
Outreach committee: Steven, Katharina, Bjarni, Olivér, Leon
| | | | | | | | | | |
| DATE | TIME | 8) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
# | 28 DEC | 15:00 | 1h | Polish Radio 1 | outreach program about EHT | Monika Moscibrodzka | general audience, nation wide | PL | Warsaw | Monika Moscibrodzka |
# | 27 DEC | 18:00 | 15h | Scienze di Natale | Organiser, chair, speaker | Davide Lena | general public | IT | Gioiosa Marea (ME,Italy) | Davide Lena |
# | 17 DEC | 13:00 | 6h | Orientation to university studies | Talk | Davide Lena | High-school students | IT | Patti (ME,Italy) | Davide Lena |
# | 13 DEC | 14:30 | 3h | Radboud visit by Cologne University students | Talk on EHT | Freek | 2nd year physics students | EN | RU | Freek Roelofs |
# | 15-19 SEP | 9:00 | 8h/day | practicum high-school pupils Kleve+Goch | practicum | Jörg Hörandel | High-school students | DE/EN | RU | Jörg Hörandel |
# | 09 Oct | 20:00 | 2h | Rotary Rozendaal | Talk | Remo | public | NL | Nijmegen | |
# | 09 Nov | 10:30 | 4h | Bezoek aan basisschool | show-and-tell astronomer | Irene | Basisschool leerlingen | NL | Hilversum | Irene |
# | 06 Oct | 14:30 | 10h | JVS/VVS Weekend Oostende | Lecture on EHT | Freek | Amateur astronomers | NL | Oostende | Freek |
# | 01 OCT | 12:45 | | Huygens Colloquium | Lecture | Gijs | FNWI people | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 15 SEP | 13:00 | 2h | Discovery Club | lecture + tutoring activities | Davide Lena | Children from the refugee center | EN | Nijmegen | Davide Lena |
# | 06 SEP | 20:00 | 2 h | KNVWS Gooi en Eemland public talk | Talk | Peter Jonker | Anyone | NL | Hilversum | Peter Jonker |
# | 25 AUG | 13:00 | 2h | Discovery Club | lecture + tutoring activities | Davide Lena | Children from the refugee center | EN | Nijmegen | Davide Lena |
# | 28 JUL | 13:00 | 2h | Discovery Club | lecture + tutoring activities | Davide Lena | Children from the refugee center | EN | Nijmegen | Davide Lena |
# | 2 JUL | 14:00 | | Visit minister OCW to RU | tour | Gijs | policy makers | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 31 MAY | 9:00 | | Radboud Kids | talk | Gijs and Peter | school kids | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 30 MAY | 13:00 | 2h | Interview VOX | Interview | Freek | Radboud students/employees | NL | Nijmegen | Freek |
# | 07 MAY | 20:00 | 2h | Sterrenkijkavond | Radio/optic observation | Heino Falcke + Jordy Davelaar | event | NL | Nijmegen | Katharina |
# | 23 APR | 20:00 | 2h | Radio 2; De Staat van Stasse | Radio/optic observation | Marc Klein Wolt + Leon | Listeners to radio program | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 29 MAR | 19:00 | | Visit delegation ministry OCW to RU | tour | Gijs | policy makers | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 20 MAR | 08:30 | 4h | Bezoek van basisschool | VR tour | Jordy | Basisschool leerlingen | NL | Amsterdam | Jordy |
# | 18 MAR | 09:30 | 4.5h | Cambridge Science Festival | Volunteer assistant | Martha | General public | UK | Cambridge | Martha |
# | 8 MAR | 20:00 | 2h | Public talk on BHC @ KNWVS | Talk | Thomas B & Christiaan | KNWVS Gooi- en Vechtstreek | NL | Hilversum | Christiaan |
# | 01 MAR | 12:30 | | Marie Curie lustrum | Talk | Marijke | MC students | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 01 MAR | 20:00 | | –CANCELED– RU meisjes Carrière-avond | Telescope tours | Irene + Sarah | Parents potential new female students | NL/EN | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 01 MAR | 19:30 | | –CANCELED– RU meisjes Carrière-avond | Talk | Marijke | potential new female students | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
# | 01 MAR | 20:30 | | –CANCELED– Private Stargazing Evening | Talk + Telescope tour | Heino & Jordy | Private individuals | NL | Nijmegen | Katharina |
# | 27 FEB | 09:00 | | Interview VOX about inaugural lectur | Interview | Gijs | Radboud students/employees | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 23 FEB | 19:00 | | Rondleiding Daniel Wigboldus (President RU) | tour | Gijs | policy makers | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
# | 22 FEB | 20:00 | | EWSK Eindhoven (afdeling Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging Weer en Sterrenkunde) | Lezing | Steven | General public / astro amateurs | NL | Eindhoven | Steven |
# | 21 FEB | 20:30 | | KNVWS Arnhem | Talk | Marijke | KNVWS | NL | Nijmegen | |
# | 2 FEB | 14:30 | | Rayland College (Science symposium) | Lezing | Gijs | High School | NL | Raayland | Gijs |
# | 30 JAN | 13:30 - 15:30 | | PUC Radio astronomy | Talk/RIF Tour/Tutorial | Marijke/Irene/Marta | high schoolers | NL/EN | Nijmegen | |
# | 12 JAN | 14:00 | | Interview HiQ Magazine | Inteview | Gijs | Mensa members | NL | Nijmegen | Gijs |
In Meistertask |
# | 16 SEP | 15:30 | 4h | KION children festival | gravity well demonstration | Jakub | school kids | EN | Nijmegen | Steven |
# | 16 SEP | 8:30 | 4h | KION children festival | gravity well demonstration | Martyna | school kids | EN | Nijmegen | Steven |
# | 16 SEP | 12:00 | 4h | Kion children festival | gravitational wave demo & 'speurtocht' ) | Bjarni | Pre-school kids | NL | Nijmegen | Steven |
# | 14-19 JUL | N.A | a lot | 4-Day-Marches | 'general'/N.A. | Bjarni | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Steven, Monika M. |
# | 18 JUN | 21:00 | | O.M.D.D. Formosa Lasciva | Telescope tour | Leon | Damesdispuut | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 08 MAY | 20:00 | | Lions Club Wijchen | Talk + Telescope tours | Thomas B. + … | Cub members | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 16 APR | 20:00 | | NSHV | Talk + Telescope tours | … | Master Honours Students | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 24 MAR | TBD | | RU openday | Telescope tours | | New students | NL/EN | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 23 MAR | 19:00 | | Open Sterrenkijkavond | | Freek + Leon | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 20 MAR | 11:15 | | Introductie nieuwe medewerkers | Telescope tours | Leon | New employees | NL/EN | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 23 FEB | 19:00 | | Open Sterrenkijkavond | | Arjen + Jwalant | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 22 FEB | 19:00 | - | –CANCELED– Jongen Honden Platform | Telescope Tour | Leon | Young RU employees | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 26 JAN | 19:00 | | Open Sterrenkijkavond | | Steven + Jwalant | General public | NL (EN) | Nijmegen | Leon |
# | 11 JAN | 19:30 | 3.5h | SV Fabulinus | Telescope tour | Leon | Biology students | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
WHAM ORGANISER: Hamid Reza Pourshaghaghi (since ?)
JOURNAL CLUB ORGANISER: A. Igoshev (since May 2016), B. Pont (since June 2017), Monika Moscibrodzka (admin of http://radboud.voxcharta.org/ for JOURNAL CLUB)
RUastro Web Maintenance: Steven Bloemen (since 2015)
RUastro twitter account: Roque (since October 2015), Steven (since March 2016), Jordy (since October 2016)
Telescope contact person: Leon Houben (since October 2017)
Outreach committee: Steven, Katharina, Bjarni, Olivér, Leon
| | | | | | | | | | |
| DATE | TIME | 9) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Where | CONTACT |
81 | 20 DEC | 10:30 | 2h | Kindcentrum de Uitdaging | Telescope Tour + Talk | Leon, Marijke | Pupils age 9 to 11 | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
80 | 12 DEC | 20:00 | 4h | Sociëteit Rijk van Nijmegen | Lecture + Telescope tour | Steven | Local business people | NL | Nijmegen | Steven |
79 | 01 DEC | 17:00 | 2h | Mead Johnson Nutrition Group Day Out | Telescope Tour | Leon | Employees of the company | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
78 | 27 NOV | 20:00 | 2h | Monthly Meeting of Astra Alteria | Talk | Davide | Amateur astronomers | NL | Putten | Davide |
77 | 24 NOV | 19:00 | 4h | Open Sterrenkijkavond | Talk and guiding | Leon, Christiaan | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
76 | 20 NOV | 9:00 | 3h | Telescope tours for “Het Talent” | Telescope Tours | Leon | Elementary school pupils | NL | Nijmegen | Leon |
75 | 18 NOV | 11:00-17:00 | | Open Day 60th Anniversary FNWI | Organisation | Marijke | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
74 | 18 NOV | 11:00-17:00 | | Open Day 60th Anniversary FNWI | Organisation
Information | Marja, Monique, Sara | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Marja v. Duijvenvoorde |
73 | 18 NOV | 11:00-17:00 | | Open Day 60th Anniversary FNWI | Virtual reality BHC | Jordy, Thomas | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Jordy |
72 | 18 NOV | 11:00-17:00 | | Open Day 60th Anniversary FNWI | Radboud RadioLab | Mark, Hamid | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Mark |
71 | 9 NOV | 19:30 | 4h | Universiteit Gent - VVN Vereniging voor Natuurkunde | Talk | Steven | Students | BE | Gent | Steven |
70 | 3 NOV | 18:30 | 2h | Open Day Radboud University | Talk | Jordy | Future students | NL | Nijmegen | Jordy |
69 | 3-4 NOV | 18-22
10-15 | 10h | Open Days for prospective students | Organisation | Roque | High-school students | EN | Nijmegen | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
68 | 3-4 NOV | 18-22
10-15 | 10h | Open Days for prospective students | Organisation | Laura | High-school students | EN | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
67 | 3-4 NOV | 18-22
10-15 | 10h | Open Days for prospective students | Organisation | Irene | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | Irene Polderman |
66 | 3-4 NOV | 18-22
10-15 | 1-2h | Open Days for prospective students | Telescope tours | Leon, Christiaan, Roque, Ilse, Irene, Ivo, Jakub, Andris, Thomas B, Godwin | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | xxx |
65 | 3-4 NOV | 18-22
10-15 | 1h | Open Days for prospective students | Talk | Marijke | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | xxx |
64 | 28 OCT | 20:00 | | Nacht van de Nacht in Goffertpark | Talk | Marijke | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
63 | 27 OCT | 19:00 | 4h | Open Sterrenkijkavond | Talk | Jordy | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Steven |
62 | 24/25 OCT | 20 | | German schools visiting | Lectures | Tanja, Sascha, Elmar, Frank, Arjen | High schools | EN/DE | Nijmegen | |
61 | 24 or 25 OCT | 20 | | German schools visiting | Observing | Jordy/Christiaan | High schools | EN | Nijmegen | |
60 | 23 OCT | 14-15:30 | | German schools visiting | Telescope tour | Svea | High schools | EN | Nijmegen | Svea |
59 | 23 OCT | 15:30-17 | | German schools visiting | RIF tour | Marijke | High schools | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke |
58 | 23-26 OCT | all day | | German schools visiting | organisation | Jörg H. | High schools | EN | Nijmegen | |
57 | 13 OKT | evening | 2 h. | Zenith | interview | Jordy | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Jordy |
## | 13 OKT | morning | 1 h. | WetenschapsOrientatie Nederland | presentation | Marijke | Highs chools | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
56 | 13 OKT | morning | 1 h. | scientias.nl | interview | Jordy | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Jordy |
## | 12 OKT | evening | 2 h. | Centaurus A | Public talk | Onno | Amateur astronomers | NL | Nijmegen | Onno Pols |
55 | 26 SEPT | evening | 2 h. | Centaurus A | Public talk | Jordy | Amateur astronomers | NL | Nijmegen | Jordy |
54 | 13 OCT | morning | | WON manifestatie | Lecture | Marijke | High schools | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
53 | 6 OCT | morning | 10:30 - tbd | Profielwerkstuk | Interview | Ester | High schools | NL | Nijmegen | Ester Aranzana |
52 | 3 OCT | tbd. | 1h | Telescope tour for new employees at FNWI | Monika | New employees | EN | Nijmegen | Monika Moscibrodzka |
51 | 21 SEP | 19:30 | 8h | Talk Weer- en sterrenkundige Kring Zaanstreek | Talk | Freek | Amateur astronomers | NL | Oostzaan | Freek Roelofs |
50 | 29 SEP | 19:30 | 4h | Open Sterrenkijkavond | Talk | Harm | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harm Munk |
50 | 29 SEP | 19:00 | 4h | Open Sterrenkijkavond | Coordinator | Steven | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Steven |
49 | 15 SEP | 20:00-22:00 | 3h | Talk on gravitational waves for Volkssterrenwacht Bussloo | Talk | Steven | General public (70p) | NL | Bussloo | Steven Bloemen |
48 | 4 SEP | - | 4h | Writing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
47 | 19 JUL | 22:00-03:00 | 10h | Stargazing night at the Festival op 't Eiland | Coordination | Marijke | General public | NL-EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
47 | 19 JUL | 22:00-03:00 | 10h | Stargazing night at the Festival op 't Eiland | Purchase of material | Ester | General public | NL-EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
47 | 19 JUL | 22:00-03:00 | 10h | Stargazing night at the Festival op 't Eiland | Flyers and materials | Irene | General public | NL-EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
47 | 19 JUL | 22:00-03:00 | 10h | Stargazing night at the Festival op 't Eiland | Telescope volunteer | Christiaan | General public | NL-EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
46 | 26 JUN | 20:00-22:00 | 17h | Astronomy on Tap | Talk | Martha | General public | NL | Leiden | Martha Saladino |
45 | 23 JUN | 22:00-00:00 | 3h | Telescope tour for VWO1 student from Arnhem | Leon | VWO1 students | NL | Nijmegen | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
45 | 16 JUN | 20:00-22:30 | 2.5h | Public talk at KNVWS Bussloo (on BHC/EHT) | Christiaan | Amateur astronomers/general public | NL | Bussloo | Christiaan |
44 | 3 JUN | 10:00 | | Marie Curie “Parents Day” | Lecture | Marijke | Student parents | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
43 | 1 JUN | 16:00-17:00 | 1h | Telescope training session | Svea | RU astro | EN | Nijmegen | Svea Hernandez |
43 | 1 JUN | 16:00-17:00 | 1h | Telescope training session | Laura | RU astro | EN | Nijmegen | Svea Hernandez |
42 | 26 MAY | - | 2h | Writing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
41 | 23 MAY | 18:30-21:30 | 3h | Radboud Honors Programme | Lecture | Thomas B | First year honors students | NL | Nijmegen | Thomas Bronzwaer |
40 | 18 MAY | 11:15-12:00 | 1h | Telescope tour for new employees at FNWI | Rutger | New employees | EN | Nijmegen | Rutger Jaspers |
39 | 16 MAY | 13:00-15:00 | 3h | Talk at high school SSgN on gravitational waves | Talk | Steven | High-school students
(4HOVA/VWO) | NL | Nijmegen | Steven Bloemen |
38 | 15 MAY | 18:30-21:30 | 3h | Radboud Honors Programme | Lecture | Thomas B | First year honors students | NL | Nijmegen | Thomas Bronzwaer |
37 | 13 MAY | 9:00-17:00 | 8h | CBO Radboud Challenge: Astronomy | Lecture | Thomas B | High-school students
(1,2,3 VWO) | NL | Nijmegen | Thomas Bronzwaer |
36 | 10 MAY | - | 1h | Editing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
35 | 3 MAY | 18:30-21:30 | 3h | Radboud Honors Programme | Lecture | Thomas B | First year honors students | NL | Nijmegen | Thomas Bronzwaer |
34 | 24 APR | - | 3h | Writing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
33 | 19 APR | - | | Interview Gelderlander about asteroid 2014-J025 | Marijke | Newspaper readers | NL | Nijmegen | - |
32 | 18 APR | 11:15-12:00 | | Telescope tour for new employees at RU | Steven | Employees | NL | Nijmegen | Steven Bloemen |
31 | 18 APR | 10:30-12:30 | 5h | Proefstuderen | Talk/Tutorial | Søren | High school | NL | Nijmegen | Søren Larsen |
30 | 13 APR | - | 2h | 2 Girl's day chat sessions | Interview | Irene | Female high school students | NL | Nijmegen | Irene Polderman |
29 | 10 APR | 20:00-22:00 | 2h | Radboud Beyond Borders | Telescope Tour | Andrei | Foreign students | EN | Nijmegen | Andrei Igoshev |
29 | 10 APR | 20:00-22:00 | 2h | Radboud Beyond Borders | Telescope Tour | Bjarni | Foreign students | EN | Nijmegen | Bjarni Pont |
28 | 8 APR | - | 2.5h | Talk, interview and discussion on physics of time travel at GO SHORT | Christiaan | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Christiaan Brinkerink |
28 | 7 APR | - | 1h | Editing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
28 | 1 APR | 10:30-12:30 | 6h | Public Lecture for Ruimtevaart Museum | Gemma | Amateur astronomers | NL | Lelystad | Gemma Janssen |
27 | 31 MAR | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Coordinate | Harm | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Harm Munk |
27 | 31 MAR | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | Jordy | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Jordy Davelaar |
27 | 31 MAR | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Start movies | Jordy
Harm | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Jordy Davelaar |
26 | 28 MAR | 09:00-10:00 | 3h | Visit to international primary school | Talk | Søren | Group 4 children | EN | Hilversum | Søren Larsen |
25 | 25 MAR | 11:00-16:00 | 8h | Open day for future bachelor students | Organisation
4 Telescope Tours | Laura | High-school students | EN | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
25 | 25 MAR | 11:00-16:00 | 8h | Open day for prospective students | 4 Telescope Tours | Michael | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
25 | 25 MAR | 11:00-16:00 | 8h | Open day for prospective students | 4 Telescope Tours | Hannah | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
25 | 25 MAR | 11:00-16:00 | 8h | Open day for prospective students | 4 Telescope Tours | Erik | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
25 | 25 MAR | 11:00-16:00 | 8h | Open day for prospective students | 4 Telescope Tours | Ivo | High-school students | NL | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
24 | 23 MAR | - | 6h | Writing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
23 | 21 MAR | | 8h | Interviews for Gelderlander, N1, ScienceMag,
Volkskrant, Omroep Gelderland | Steven | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Steven Bloemen |
22 | 7 MAR | 11:45-12:20 | 45m | Telescope tour for new employees at FNWI | Laura | New employees | EN | Nijmegen | Laura Rossetto |
21 | 3 MAR | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Coordinate | Jordy | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Jordy Davelaar |
21 | 3 MAR | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | Arjen | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Arjen van Vliet |
21 | 3 MAR | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Start movies | Jordy
Arjen | General public | EN | Nijmegen | Jordy Davelaar |
20 | 2 MAR | 19:40 - 19:45 | | Omroep MAX Radio 1
Open Sterrenkijkdagen | Interview | Marijke | General public | NL | Radio | - |
19 | 28 FEB | 19:30 - 23:00 | | Radboud Reflects movie 'Hidden Figures' | Panel members | Samaya | General public | EN | LUX Nijmegen | - |
19 | 28 FEB | 19:30 - 23:00 | | Radboud Reflects movie 'Hidden Figures' | Panel members | Marijke | General public | EN | LUX Nijmegen | - |
18 | 17 FEB | 12:45-13:45 | 4h | Talk on black holes for Rotary Club | Freek | General public | NL | Helmond | Freek Roelofs |
17 | 15 FEB | - | 1h | Editing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
16 | 14 FEB | 13:30-17:30 | 4h | PUC Cosmology | Lecture
Coordination | Søren | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Søren Larsen |
15 | 7 FEB | 19:30-21:30 | 6h | Public Lecture for Centaurus A | Gemma | Amateur astronomers | NL | Nijmegen | Gemma Janssen |
15 | 7 FEB | - | 3h | Writing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
14 | 7 FEB | 13:30-17:30 | 4h | PUC Cosmology | Lecture
Coordination | Søren | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | Søren Larsen |
13 | 3 FEB | - | 3h | Web maintenance for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | EN | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
12 | 1 FEB | 18:00-20:00 | 8h | Career orientation evening | Talk | Irene | High school students | NL | Eindhoven | Irene Polderman |
11 | 1 FEB | 14:15-16:00 | 2h | Masterclass Radio Astronomy | Talk
Tutorial | Jamie | 20 “beta+” class high school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
11 | 1 FEB | 14:15-16:00 | 2h | Masterclass Radio Astronomy | Talk
Tutorial | Irene | 20 “beta+” class high school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
11 | 1 FEB | 14:15-16:00 | 2h | Masterclass Radio Astronomy | Talk
Tutorial | Marijke | 20 “beta+” class high school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
10 | 1 FEB | 20:30-00:00 | 5h | Stukafest | Talk | Christiaan | General students | NL | Nijmegen | Christiaan Brinkerink |
09 | 31 JAN | 13:30-17:15 | 4h | PUC Masterclass | Talks
Tutorial | Søren | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
09 | 31 JAN | 13:30-17:15 | 4h | PUC Masterclass | Talks
Tutorial | Jamie | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
09 | 31 JAN | 13:30-17:15 | 4h | PUC Masterclass | Talks
Tutorial | Irene | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
09 | 31 JAN | 13:30-17:15 | 4h | PUC Masterclass | Talks
Tutorial | Marijke | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
08 | 27 JAN | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Coordinate | Jordy
Harm | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Jordy Davelaar |
08 | 27 JAN | 19:00-22:00 | 8h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | Irene | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Irene Polderman |
08 | 27 JAN | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Start movies | Irene | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Jordy Davelaar |
07 | JAN - JUN | 14:30-15:30 | 35h | Weekly masterclass astronomy Kandinsky College | Freek | High school | NL | Nijmegen | Freek Roelofs |
05 | 24 JAN | 20:00-22:00 | 6h | Public talk to amateur astronomers | Pim V. O. | Amateur astronomers | NL | Amsterdam | Pim van Oirschot |
04 | 20 JAN | - | 1h | Editing article for astrobitos | Roque | Online readers | ES | - | Roque Ruiz-Carmona |
03 | 17 JAN | 18:00-00:00 | 6h | Lezing KNVWS Enschede | Talk | Christiaan | Amateur astronomers | NL | Enschede | Christiaan Brinkerink |
02 | 16 JAN | 10:30-13:00 | 2.5h | Proefstuderen | Talk
Tutorial | Jamie | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
02 | 16 JAN | 10:30-13:00 | 2.5h | Proefstuderen | Talk
Tutorial | Irene | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
02 | 16 JAN | 10:30-13:00 | 2.5h | Proefstuderen | Talk
Tutorial | Marijke | High school | EN | Nijmegen | Marijke Haverkorn |
01 | 6 JAN | 14:30-16:00 | 2h | Public Talk in State Bookfair | Talk | Payaswini | High School + General Public | EN/AS | India | Payaswini Saikia |
WHAM ORGANISER: Irene Polderman (since March 2016)
JOURNAL CLUB ORGANISER: A. Igoshev (since May 2016), B. Pont (since June 2017), Monika Moscibrodzka (admin of http://radboud.voxcharta.org/ for JOURNAL CLUB)
RUastro Web Maintenance: Steven Bloemen (since 2015)
RUastro twitter account: Roque (since October 2015), Steven (since March 2016), Jordy (since October 2016)
Telescope contact person: Svea Hernandez (since December 2016)
Outreach committee: Marijke, Steven, Laura, Antonio, Irene, Ester, Roque, Harm, Manon, Bjarni, Olivér (Jamie, Hannah until Summer 2017)
| | | | | | | | | |
DATE | TIME | 10) | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Location | CONTACT |
16 DEC | 19:30-21:00 | 1.5h | Public Talk | M. Haverkorn | Astronomical Society CHuijgens | NL | Papendrecht | Marijke |
15 DEC | 09:00-12:00 | 4h | St. Martinus elementary school visit | Lecture and videos | H. Brinkman/M. Haverkorn | Elementary school students | NL | Nijmegen | M. Haverkorn |
15 DEC | 09:00-12:00 | 2h | St. Martinus elementary school visit | Telescope tour | J. Davelaar | Elementary school students | NL | Nijmegen | M. Haverkorn |
15 DEC | 09:00-12:00 | 2h | St. Martinus elementary school visit | Telescope tour | A. v Vliet | Elementary school students | NL | Nijmegen | M. Haverkorn |
13 DEC | 09:00-12:00 | 4h | St. Martinus elementary school visit | Lecture and videos | H. Brinkman | Elementary school students | NL | Nijmegen | M. Haverkorn |
13 DEC | 09:00-12:00 | 2h | St. Martinus elementary school visit | Telescope tour | M. Janssen | Elementary school students | NL | Nijmegen | M. Haverkorn |
13 DEC | 09:00-12:00 | 2h | St. Martinus elementary school visit | Telescope tour | F. Roelofs | Elementary school students | NL | Nijmegen | M. Haverkorn |
3 DEC | - | 10h | Preparing step-by-step observing guide and other documents related to the optical observatory | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Department members and astronomy students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 DEC | - | 1.0h | Editing new article for Astrobites in Spanish | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
1 DEC | 16:30-19:30 | 3.5h | Telescope training session | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Department members and astronomy students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
27 NOV | 15:00-18:00 | 3h | Philosophischer Salon zu Kunst und Naturwissenschaft | Philosophy slam w/artist M. Grossmann | J.P. Rachen | General public | DE | Darmstadt DE | Jörg Rachen |
25 NOV | - | 2h | PWS begeleiding | Leon Houben | Middelbare scholier | NL | Nijmegen | M.Haverkorn |
25 NOV | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Showing movies | E. Aranzana | General public | EN | Nijmegen | E.Aranzana |
25 NOV | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | M. Haverkorn | General public | EN | Nijmegen | M.Haverkorn |
23 NOV | 19:30-22:00 | 2.5h | Tour for Studievereniging Fabulinus | Talk and telescope tour | E. Aranzana | Students | EN | Nijmegen | E.Aranzana |
23 NOV | 20:30-22:00 | 1.5h | Tour for Studievereniging Fabulinus | Telescope tour | A. Igoshev | Students | EN | Nijmegen | A. Igoshev |
18 NOV | - | 5.0h | Writing new article for Astrobites in Spanish | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 NOV | 18:00-21:30 | 3h | Visit of the University of Eindhoven | Telescope tours | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Secondary school teachers | EN | Nijmegen | Marja v. D. |
9 NOV | 18:00-21:30 | 3h | Visit of the University of Eindhoven | Telescope tours | S. Bloemen | Secondary school teachers | NL | Nijmegen | Marja v. D. |
7 NOV | 18:00-22:00 | 4h | Lecture Series Cosmology at Sernwarte Sonneberg | Talk | J.P. Rachen | General public | DE | Sonneberg DE | Jörg Rachen |
6 NOV | - | 2.0h | Reviewing articles for Astrobites in Spanish | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
6 NOV | 16:15-16:15 | 2h | InScience Film Festival (Interview after Mind of the Universe) | T. Wijnen | General public | NL | Nijmegen, NL | T. Wijnen |
4 NOV | 13:15 - 14:00 | 1.5h | Teaching Mundus Science Game to elementary school teachers | M. Haverkorn | School teachers | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
4 NOV | 12:15-14:50 | 10.5h | InScience Film Festival (Introduction to the The Martian movie) | M. I. Saladino | General public | EN | Nijmegen, NL | M. I. Saladino |
3 NOV | 20:30-22:00 | 3h | InScience Film Festival (Talk about GWs, BlackGEM) | S. Bloemen | General public | NL | Nijmegen, NL | S. Bloemen |
2 NOV | 17:50-21:30 | 8h | Radboud University Open weekend | Telescope tours and coordination | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Prospective RU students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 NOV | 17:50-21:30 | 3h | Radboud University Open weekend | Telescope tours | J. van Roestel | Prospective RU students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 NOV | 17:50-21:30 | 3h | Radboud University Open weekend | Telescope tours | L. Rossetto | Prospective RU students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 NOV | 17:50-21:30 | 3h | Radboud University Open weekend | Telescope tours | A. Al-Zetoun | Prospective RU students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 NOV | 17:50-21:30 | 3h | Radboud University Open weekend | Telescope tours | L. Houben | Prospective RU students | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
29 OCT | | Artikel Zwaartekrachtgolven bieden een nieuwe kijk op de kosmos | G. Nelemans | NWO Magazine | EN | | G. Nelemans |
28 OCT | 19:00-22:00 | 2.5h | Open Sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Showing movies | L. Rossetto | General public | EN | Nijmegen | L. Rossetto |
19 OCT | 19:00-22:00 | 5h | Talk about Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, BlackGEM | S. Bloemen | Amateur astronomers | NL | Arnhem, NL | S. Bloemen |
9 OCT | 11:30-12:30 | 10h | Museum JeugdUniversiteit (Huygens' Hockwijck) | Talk | T. Wijnen | Elementary school kids | NL | Voorburg | T. Wijnen |
1 OCT | - | 5h | Talk about Gravitational Wave Astrophysics at yearly meeting Vlaamse Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde | S. Bloemen | Amateur astronomers | NL | TBD, BE | S. Bloemen |
1 OCT | - | 4.0h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (writing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
30 SEP | 19:30-21:30 | 10.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | J. v. Roestel | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
30 SEP | 19:00-22:00 | 5h | Talk about Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, BlackGEM | S. Bloemen | Amateur astronomers | NL | Venlo, NL | S. Bloemen |
28 SEP | 19:00-20:00 | 1.0h | Telescopes tour | J. v. Roestel | Parents of prospective students | NL | Nijmegen | J. van Roestel |
28 SEP | 19:00-20:00 | 1.0h | Telescopes tour | Luc Hendriks | Parents of prospective students | NL | Nijmegen | J. van Roestel |
23 SEP | 19:00-22:00 | 5h | Talk about Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, BlackGEM | S. Bloemen | Physics/astro enthusiasts, general public | NL | Middelburg, NL | S. Bloemen |
14 SEP | | | GAIA data release I | G. Nelemans | Radio 1 Journaal | NL | | G. Nelemans |
14 SEP | | | GAIA data release I | G. Nelemans | NOS Journaal | NL | | G. Nelemans |
12 SEP | 20:00-22:00 | 8.0h | Science cafe (Talk about BlackGEM, GWs) | S. Bloemen | General public | NL | Nijmegen, NL | S. Bloemen |
12 SEP | 20:00-22:00 | 8.0h | Science cafe (Talk about GWs) | G. Nelemans | General public | NL | Nijmegen, NL | S. Bloemen |
8 SEP | 20:00-22:00 | 4.0h | Telescope tour for alumni board | B. Pont | Alumni board | NL | Nijmegen, NL | B. Pont |
6 SEP | 18:00-20:00 | 8.0h | Talk about Hubble Space Telescope | S. Larsen | General public | Colombia | Medellin | S. Larsen |
5 SEP | 19:30-21:00 | 1.5h | Public Talk | M. Haverkorn | Astronomical Society Centaurus | NL | Nijmegen | Marijke |
1 SEP | | | ringvormige zonsverduistering boven Afrika | G. Nelemans | Radio Gelderland | NL | Studio Arnhem | G. Nelemans |
25 AUG | 09:00-12:00 | 3.0h | Hosting filming crew for Heino's interview at the domes and RIF | R. Ruiz-Carmona | - | EN | Domes, RIF | E. Gebhardt |
18 AUG | - | 4.0h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (writing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
15 AUG | 12:50-14:50 | 2.0h | RU introduction week | Telescopes tour | R. Ruiz-Carmona | New IMAPP students | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
15 AUG | 12:50-14:50 | 2.0h | RU introduction week | Telescopes tour | E. Aranzana | New IMAPP students | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
15 AUG | 12:50-14:50 | 2.0h | RU introduction week | Telescopes tour | J. van Roestel | New IMAPP students | NL | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
15 AUG | 12:50-14:50 | 2.0h | RU introduction week | Telescopes tour | F. Roelofs | New IMAPP students | NL | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
30 JUL | 14:30-16:00 | 1.5h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (editing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
12 JUL | 11:00-12:30 | 1.5h | Telescopes tour | L. Rossetto | New employees at FNWI | EN | Nijmegen | L. Rossetto |
30 JUN | 08:00-08:30 | 0.5h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (editing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
29 JUN | 20.00 | - | News item about Chang'e Mission | M. Klein Wolt | NOS Journaal | NL | | M. Klein Wolt |
29 JUN | - | | Interview about Chang'e Mission | M. Klein Wolt | BNR radio | NL | | M. Klein Wolt |
29 JUN | 17:00-19:00 | 2.0h | Telescopes training session | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Students & department members | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
28 JUN | | | Article about Chang'e mission | M. Klein Wolt | Everyone | NL | NRC | M. Klein Wolt |
28 JUN | 13:00-14:00 | 1.0h | Updating news on our wiki (Serena & Radio Lab) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Everyone | EN | Nijmegen | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
7 JUN | | | Interview on eLISA (gravitational waves) | G. Nelemans | Radio broadcast | NL | | G. Nelemans |
6 JUN | 12:30-16:00 | 3.5h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (writing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
JUN-DEC | | | member of advisory board NEMO Science Museum exhibit “De Kosmos en ik” | M. Haverkorn | General public | NL | Amsterdam | Marijke |
26 May | | | ATNF Daily Image | J. Farnes | Online readers | EN | | J. Farnes |
25 MAY | | | Interview “Universum” | T. Wevers | Broad public / teenagers | NL | |
18 MAY | 14:30-16:00 | 1.5h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (editing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
13 MAY | 13:15-14:15 | 1.0h | Tour of telescope domes (Europa om de hoek) | T. Bronzwaer | Broad public | NL | Domes | T. Bronzwaer |
13 MAY | 13:15-14:15 | 1.0h | Tour of telescope domes (Europa om de hoek) | T. Wevers | Broad public | NL | Domes | T. Bronzwaer |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 60h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Organisation | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 4.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Co-organisation | J. v. Roestel | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | I. Polderman | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | M. Saladino | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | A. v. Vliet | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | T. Wijnen | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | B. Pont | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | A. Al-Zetoun | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | M. Janssen | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | Y. E. Setyawati | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 MAY | 12:00-21:00 | 2.0h | Observation of Mercury Transit | Hosting the event | L. Rossetto | Broad public | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
28 APR | 18:30-19:30 | 2.5h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (editing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
21 APR | 18:30-19:30 | 6.0h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (writing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
14 APR | 11:25-12:10 & 13:30-14:15 | 2.0h | ASTRON Girlsday | 2 chat sessions | Irene Polderman | Female high schoolers | NL | Nijmegen | Irene Polderman |
11 APR | 10:00-18:00 | 16.0h | Article for “Le Stelle nr.155” about LOFAR Nature paper in Italian (writing) | L. Rossetto | General public | IT | Nijmegen | L. Rossetto |
8 APR | 14:00-16:00 | | FYSICA2016 | Talk | Monika Moscibrodzka | Teachers, general public | NL | Nijmegen | |
6 APR | 10:00-11:00 | 1.0h | Interview RU brochure for prospective PhDs | Roque Ruiz-Carmona | Prospective PhDs | EN | Nijmegen | |
31 MAR | 19:00-20:30 | 3.0h | Telescope tour International School Arnhem | Talk | J van Roestel | Teachers, general public | NL | Nijmegen | |
31 MAR | 19:00-20:30 | 3.0h | Telescope tour International School Arnhem | Talk | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Teachers, general public | NL | Nijmegen | |
24 MAR | 18:00-23:00 | 5.0h | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | Talk | C. Brinkerink | KNVWS Zaanstreek | NL | Oostzaan | Christiaan Brinkerink |
18 MAR | 19:00-21:30 | 7.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | Irene Polderman | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
18 MAR | 19:00-21:30 | 4.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Projecting videos | A. Igoshev | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
17 MAR | 18:30-19:30 | 1.0h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (editing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
11 MAR | 18:30-19:30 | 5.0h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (writing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 MAR | 11:00-11:30 | 2.0h | INAF-media article on LOFAR Nature paper | Interview | L. Rossetto | General public | IT | Nijmegen | L. Rossetto |
1 MAR | | 15.0h | Article on GW150914 for Heelal (magazine of Vlaamse Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde) | S. Bloemen | Amateur astronomers | NL | Flanders, BE | S. Bloemen |
26 FEB | 19:00-21:30 | 4.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | T. Bronzwaer | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
26 FEB | 19:00-21:30 | 4.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Projecting videos | Y. Setyawati | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
18 FEB | 9:00-10:00 | 2.0h | Telescope tour | Talk and show the telescope | A. Bonardi | Radboud Beyond Borders | EN | Nijmegen | A. Bonardi |
18 FEB | 08:25-09:00 | 1.0h | Q&A session, Doha College | Talk | V. Ribeiro | High school children | EN | Doha, Qatar | Ana Ribeiro |
16 FEB | 13:30-15:30 | 4.0h | PUC | Lecture+assignments | Soeren Larsen | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | S. Larsen |
11 FEB | 10:00-12:00 | 2.0h | Outreach, “The Mysteries of the Universe” | Talk | P. Saikia | Junior college students | AS | India | P. Saikia |
11 FEB | 18:30-19:30 | 1.0h | Article for Astrobites in Spanish (editing) | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online readers | ES | | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
9 FEB | 8:30-10:30 | 2.0h | Outreach, “Solar system and beyond” | Talk | P. Saikia | High school students | AS | India | P. Saikia |
4 FEB | 15:30-17:30 | 2.0h | Telescopes training session | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Department members | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona |
2 FEB | 19:30-21:00 | 1.5h | Public Talk | M. Haverkorn | Natuurkundig Gezelschap | NL | Utrecht | Marijke |
2 FEB | 17:00-18:15 | 2.0h | Interview | Zenit | Pim van Oirschot | Magazine readers | NL | Nijmegen | P. van Oirschot |
2 FEB | 13:50-15:00 | 1.1h | RIF tour | Tour | Rocco Coppejans | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | R. Coppejans |
2 FEB | 14:00-17:15 | 3.25h | PUC Masterclass | Tour+Assignments | Jamie Farnes | High school students | EN | Nijmegen | J. Farnes |
2 FEB | 13:30-15:30 | 4.0h | PUC | Lecture+assignments | Soeren Larsen + MHaverkorn | High school students | NL | Nijmegen | S. Larsen |
1 FEB | 13:45-15:30 | 8.0h | HOVO lecture on HST | Talk | Soeren Larsen | HOVO participants | NL | Nijmegen | S. Larsen |
29 JAN | 13:30-16:00 | 2.5h | RIF tour | Tour | Rocco Coppejans | Members of the department | NL | Nijmegen | R. Coppejans |
29 JAN | 19:00-22:00 | 4.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Talk | S. Bloemen | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
29 JAN | 19:00-22:00 | 4.0h | Open sterrenkijkavond Radboud | Projecting videos | B. Pont | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Harry Balster |
25 JAN | 13:50-14:50 | 4.0h | Outreach, Liverpool College | Talk | V. Ribeiro | High school children | EN | Liverpool, UK | Dave Hall |
21 JAN | 19:00-22:00 | 4.0h | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | Talk | T. Bronzwaer | Astronomy club Triangulum | NL | Apeldoorn | Thomas Bronzwaer |
19 JAN | 11:45-12:20 | 2.0h | Telescope tour | Talk and show the telescope | L. Rossetto | New employees at FNWI | EN | Nijmegen | L. Rossetto |
WHAM ORGANISER: Irene Polderman (since March 2016), Rocco Coppejans (from 2015 to February 2016)
JOURNAL CLUB ORGANISER: A. Igoshev (since May 2016), Jan v. Roestel (May 2015 to April 2016), Monika Moscibrodzka (admin of http://radboud.voxcharta.org/ for JOURNAL CLUB)
RUastro Web Maintenance: Steven Bloemen (since 2015)
RUastro twitter account: Irene (since 2015), Roque (since October 2015), Steven (since March 2016)
Telescope contact person: Roque Ruiz-Carmona (since February 2015)
DATE | TIME | EVENT | TASK | WHO | PUBLIC | L | Location | Contact | |
22 DEC | 19:00-22:00 | RIF & optical telescope tour | Tour | Rocco & Deanne | General public | NL | Nijmegen | Rocco & Deanne | |
11 DEC | 15:00-21:00 | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | T. Bronzwaer | Astronomy club | NL | Hoorn | | |
11 DEC | 15:00-21:00 | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | C. Brinkerink | Astronomy club | NL | Hoorn | | |
8 DEC | 20:00-22:00 | Talk for Davidsfonds Cultuurnetwerk | Talk | S. Bloemen | General public, all backgrounds | NL | Ghent, BE | | |
27 NOV | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Coordination & Reception | Jordy Davelaar | General public, all backgrounds | NL | Main hall | Harry Balster | |
27 NOV | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Talk | F. Verbunt | General public, all backgrounds | NL | HG00.307 | Harry Balster | |
27 NOV | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Projecting videos | A. Olid-Gonzalez | General public, all backgrounds | EN | HG00.304 | Harry Balster | |
19 NOV | 14:00-17:00 | profielwerkstuk Aurora | I. Polderman | 2 high school students | NL | RU | Irene Polderman | |
17 NOV | 18:00-23:00 | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | C. Brinkerink | Astronomy club | NL | KNVWS Enschede | |
15 NOV | 09:00-13:00 | Interview | J. Farnes | Montessori College students | EN | Nijmegen | Jamie Farnes |
12 NOV | 15:00-21:00 | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | T. Bronzwaer | Astronomy club | NL | Sterrenwacht Gooi- en Vechtstreek | |
12 NOV | 15:00-21:00 | BlackHoleCam outreach talk | C. Brinkerink | Astronomy club | NL | Sterrenwacht Gooi- en Vechtstreek | |
2 NOV | 16:00-18:00 | Telescope tour and mentoring | F. Roelofs | Primary school student | NL | Domes | |
30 OCT | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Coordination & Reception | Jordy Davelaar | General public, all backgrounds | NL | Main hall | Harry Balster | |
30 OCT | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Talk “The Transient Sky” | Jan van Roestel | General public, all backgrounds | NL | HG00.307 | Harry Balster | |
30 OCT | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Projecting videos | R. Ruiz-Carmona | General public, all backgrounds | EN | HG00.304 | Harry Balster | |
24 Oct | 9:30-12:30 | Outreach, “The Mysteries of the Universe” | Talk | P. Saikia | General Public | EN | India | P. Saikia | |
23 OCT | Article for Astrobites in Spanish | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Online reader | ES | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
16 OCT | 9:00-15:00 | German high-school Gaesdonck | Code workshop | A. van Vliet | High-school students | EN | Nijmegen | J. Horandel | |
14 OCT | 12:00-18:00 | German high-school Gaesdonck | RIF tour | C. van Eck | High-school students | EN | RIF | J. Horandel | |
14 OCT | | | Interview for Zenit | T. Wevers | General public | NL | | T.wevers | |
12 OCT | 15:30-17:00 | German high-school Gaesdonck | RIF tour | R. Coppejans | High-school students | EN | RIF | J. Horandel | |
12 OCT | 14:00-16:00 | German high-school Gaesdonck | Telescope introduction | Erik Willems | High-school students | EN | Domes | J. Horandel | |
10 OCT | Radboud Challenge | Lectures and telescopes tour | T. Bronzwaer | Gifted High-school students | NL | Domes | | |
08 OCT | 12:00-15:00 | Telescope tour | J. v Roestel | Parents of female HS students | NL | Domes | | |
08 OCT | 12:00-15:00 | Informal talk + Q&A | I. Polderman | Parents of female HS students | NL | Domes | | |
29 SEP | 19:00-22:00 | Telescope tour | E. Aranzana | HAN students, some maths and physics | EN | Domes | Marja vD | |
29 SEP | 18:00-19:00 | Talk “The Universe” | | E. Aranzana | HAN students, some maths and physics | EN | HG00.304 | Marja vD | |
27 SEP | 23:00-05:00 | Total moon eclipse observations live | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Radboud media and followers | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
25 SEP | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Coordination & Reception | Jordy Davelaar | General public, all backgrounds | NL | Main hall | Harry Balster | |
25 SEP | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Talk | C. Brinkerink | General public, all backgrounds | NL | HG00.307 | Harry Balster | |
25 SEP | 19:00-21:30 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Projecting videos | Erik Willems | General public, all backgrounds | NL | HG00.304 | Harry Balster | |
14 SEP | 17:00-19:00 | Telescopes training session | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Department members and students | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
2 SEP | 15:00-17:00 | Bachelor students visit | Small talk | A. v. Vliet | Prospective bachelor students | EN | Nijmegen | |
30 JUL - 6 AUG (3d) | ICRC conference | Assistance | A. v. Vliet | Conference participants | EN | The Hague | |
1 JUL | 10:00-11:00 | RIF tour | | R. Coppejans | TU Delft visitors | EN | RIF | | |
27 JUN | 18:00-23:00 | RIF & telescope tour | D. Coppejans | General public, all backgrounds | EN | RIF & Domes | |
27 JUN | 18:00-23:00 | RIF & telescope tour | R. Coppejans | General public, all backgrounds | EN | RIF & Domes | |
24 - 26 JUN | Sterrenkunde Olympiade | Summary of tasks and people | Olympiade participants | - | | |
24 JUN | 22:30-00:00 | Telescopes tour | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Olympiade participants | EN | RIF | | |
24 JUN | 21:00-22:30 | RIF tour | R. Coppejans | Olympiade participants | EN | RIF | | |
16 JUN | 17:00-19:30 | Telescopes training session | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Department members and students | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
7 JUN | 10:00-15:00 | Q&A Klokhuisvragendag | T. Wijnen | Primary school kids | NL | Nijmegen | |
24 MAY | 12:00-14:00 | Rondleiding Sterrenkoepels | Jan vR | Technisch Creatief Centrum Nijmegen | NL | Domes | | |
5 May | 10:30-12:30 | Outreach, “The Extragalactic Universe” | Talk | P. Saikia | High school students | AS | India | P. Saikia | |
1 MAY | 12:00 | Gravitational waves music with Arthur Jeffes | S. Nissanke | General public, all backgrounds | EN | London, UK | |
30 APR | 12:00-13:30 | Telescopes tour | T. Wijnen | Primary school students | NL | Domes | | |
30 APR | 10:00-15:30 | Wetenschapagenda | Set-up and correspondence | I. Polderman | NL | | | |
14 APR | 12:00-14:30 | Telescopes tour | A. Bonardi | Bach and master RU students | EN | Domes | Marja vD | |
10 APR | 13:00-14:00 | Campus day RU | Talk | S. Bloemen | High-school students | NL | | | |
9 APR | 17:00-19:00 | Telescopes training session | R. Ruiz-Carmona | Department members and students | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
31 MAR | 10:00-13:30 | Telescopes tour and mentoring | F. Roelofs | Snuffelstage for high-school student | NL | M. Haverkorn | |
24 MAR | 11:30-12:30 | Telescopes tour and astronomy intro | L. Rossetto | New FWMI employees | EN | Domes | Marja vD | |
20 MAR | - | Solar partial eclipse | Organization of event, media | R. Ruiz-Carmona | General public, all backgrounds | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
20 MAR | 09:00-15:00 | Solar partial eclipse | Telescope tour | D. Coppejans | General public, all backgrounds | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
20 MAR | 09:00-15:00 | Solar partial eclipse | Hosting and help | R. Coppejans | General public, all backgrounds | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
20 MAR | 09:00-15:00 | Solar partial eclipse | Hosting and help | V. Ribiero | General public, all backgrounds | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
20 MAR | 09:00-15:00 | Solar partial eclipse | Hosting and help | L. Rossetto | General public, all backgrounds | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
20 MAR | 09:00-15:00 | Solar partial eclipse | Hosting and help | I. Polderman | General public, all backgrounds | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
3 MAR | 20:30-22:30 | Talk for Centaurus A | S. Bloemen | Amateur astronomers | NL | HG00.308 | Harry Balster | |
27 ENE | 12:00-16:00 | Pre University College | Students presentations | S. Larsen | PUC students | NL | Nijmegen | |
27 FEB | 19:00-23:00 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Coordination & Reception | Jordy Davelaar | General public, all backgrounds | NL | Main hall | Harry Balster | |
27 FEB | 19:00-23:00 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Talk | S. Bloemen | General public, all backgrounds | NL | HG00.307 | Harry Balster | |
27 FEB | 19:00-23:00 | Open sterrenkijkavond | Projecting videos | A. Igoshev | General public, all backgrounds | | HG00.304 | Harry Balster | |
26 FEB | 18:00-21:30 | Telescopes tour | A. Igoshev | 1st year science students | EN | Domes | Marja vD | |
26 FEB | 18:00-21:30 | Telescopes tour | L. Rossetto | 1st year science students | EN | Domes | Marja vD | |
26 FEB | 18:00-21:30 | Telescopes tour | E. Aranzana | 1st year science students | EN | Domes | Marja vD | |
23 FEB | 19:30-21:00 | Telescopes tour | T. Wijnen | Primary school students | NL | Domes | | |
23 FEB | 12:00-13:30 | Telescopes tour | T. Bronzwaer | Leerlingen Basisschool Het Talent | NL | Domes | Marja vD | |
9 FEB | 15:00-16:30 | RIF training session | R. Coppejans | Department members | EN | RIF | | |
3 FEB | 12:00-16:00 | Pre University College | Lecture and assignment | S. Larsen | PUC students | NL | Nijmegen | |
1 FEB | 12:00 | Royal Astronomical Society General Talk | S. Nissanke | RAS and general public | EN | London, UK | |
1 FEB | 17:00-19:00 | Telescopes training session | C. Brinkerink | Department members and students | EN | Domes | R. Ruiz-Carmona | |
27 ENE | 12:00-16:00 | Pre University College | Lecture and assignment | S. Larsen | PUC students | NL | Nijmegen | |
7 ENE | 12:00 | Interview for 'Zenit' & 'Universum' | T. Wijnen | Astronomy magazines | NL | NL | |
SEMINAR ORGANISERs: Samaya N., Salome D. and Elmar K.
WHAM ORGANISER: Rocco Coppejans (from 2015 to February 2016)
JOURNAL CLUB ORGANISER: Jan v. Roestel (since 2015), Ester (since 2014)
RUastro Web Maintenance: Steven Bloemen (since 2015)
RUastro twitter account: Irene (since 2015), Serena (since 2015)
Telescope contact person: Roque Ruiz-Carmona (since February 2015)
6 nov 2014 | RIF+ optical telescope tours | Sally, Cameron … | high school teaching assistants | |
campusdagen 14/15 | scholieren | Marianne Heida (Steven Bloemen) | | |
22 Oct 2014 | Nijmeegse Tweedaagse | Pim van Oirschot/Leon Houben | 5-6 VWO | |
20 Jun 2014 | Lezing exoplanets | Steven Bloemen | RU Nacht van de universiteitsbibliotheek | |
28 May 2014 | EXO Masterclass | Marijke/Cameron/Thomas Wevers/Thomas Wijnen | 4 VWO | |
4 Apr 2014 | “Hoe groot is het heelal” | Thomas Wijnen | campusdagen 4vwo | |
4 Apr 2014 | Lezing “De Europese sterrenwachten in Chili” | Steven Bloemen | Publiekssterrenwacht Lochem | |
28 Mar 2014 | Publieksavond sterrenkijken | Steven Bloemen (lezing),Thomas Wevers, Cisca, | 245 Bezoekers | |
14 Mar 2014 | “Hoe groot is het heelal” | Thomas Wevers | campusdagen 4vwo | |
28 Feb 2014 | Publieksavond sterrenkijken | Frank Verbunt (lezing), Jan van Roestel, Cisca, | 59 Bezoekers | |
31 Jan 2014 | Publieksavond sterrenkijken | Christiaan, Cisca, Thomas Wevers, Pim v.O.(lezing) | 136 Bezoekers | |
24 Jan 2014 | “Hoe groot is het heelal” | Marianne | campusdagen 4vwo | |
7 Jan 2014 | Lezing Kepler binaries | Steven Bloemen | Volkssterrenwacht Urania Antwerpen | |
29 Nov 2013 | “Hoe groot is het heelal” | Pim vO | campusdagen 4vwo |
8 Nov 2013 | “Hoe groot is het heelal” | Tjibaria | campusdagen 4vwo |
2 Nov 2013 | Voorlichtingsdag | Marijke | VWO-ers |
26 Oct 2013 | Public lecture (ESO observatories) | Steven | Volkssterrenwacht Gent, B |
25 Oct 2013 | Publieksavond | Paul, Silvia, Emilio, Sally, Martin, Cisca (AKN-ers) | 97 bezoekers |
5 Oct 2013 | GW lecture | MvdS | VVS, Blankenberge, Belgium |
3 Oct 2013 | Public lecture (Stellar evolution) | Steven | Studium Generale Maastricht University (~130 people) |
1 Oct 2013 | Rondleiding nieuwkomers | Luc Hendriks | nieuwe medewerkers FNWI |
Sept 2013 | RIF observing | Marijke, Cameron | high school “Extended Essay” project |
27 Sep 2013 | Publieksavond | Cisca, Luc Hendriks, Deanne, Marc vd S | ~190 bezoekers |
27 Sep 2013 | Planetary orbits | MvdS | 2 high-school students |
2013 | astro-practicum | Joerg | high school from Goch |
2013 | voorlichtingsdagen | Paul | high schools |
2013 | 4-VWO days | Gijs, Paul | high schools |
4 Jun 2013 | EXO Masterclass | | high schools |
30 May 2013 | Merlet College | Leon, Heino, Stijn, Christiaan, Marc F., MvdS | High-school kids + parents (~80) |
25 Apr 2013 | Girls Day | Soeren | high school girls |
22 Mar 2013 | Sterrenkijkavond | Martin, MvdS (lezingen) ?? | xxx visitors |
22 Feb 2013 | Sterrenkijkavond | Martin (lezing), ?? | xxx visitors |
31 Jan 2013 | lecture Zwolle | Anna Nelles | Amateur Astronomers from the Club Thales |
25 Jan 2013 | Schnupperstudium | Anna Nelles, Thomas Kupfer (telescoop tour, tour cancelled) | German high school students |
25 Jan 2013 | Sterrenkijkavond | Leon Houben (lezing), Arthur, Sweta, ?? | xxx visitors |
11 Jan 2013 | telescope tour | Pim S, Sjoert (ziek), Emilio, Pim vO | 24 Research VWO Maaslandcollege Oss |
10 Jan 2013 | PUC les + telescooptour | Leon (les + tour) | 18 VWO-ers Canisius college |
30 Nov 2012 | Sterrenkijkavond | David Jones, Cisca Custers, Harry Balster, Frank Teunissen, Henk de Groot,Marc Fokker, Eric Lieffers (AKN-ers) ., ?? | ca.190 visitors |
24 Nov 2012 | public day | Marja, Serena, Carlo, Sally, Joke, Paul, Marijke, Harry Balster, Frank Teunissen, Marc Fokker, Henk de Groot (AKN-ers) | Faculty Lustrum *) |
?? Nov 2012 | lecture at school | Sander | Research VWO Maaslandcollege Oss |
23 Nov 2012 | telescope tour | Maria, Jan vR | Dutch Law Faculty Directors |
7, 8, 14 Nov 2012 | telescope training | Thomas Kupfer | department members |
3 Nov 2012 | Alg. Voorlichtingsdag | Paul (4 x voordracht over studie Sterrenkunde), Maria Krause + Jan van Roestel: rondleiding telescopen | 5 en 6 VWO-leerlingen |
1 Nov 2012 | telescope tour | Anna Nelles, Christriaan Brinkerink | policy makers RU |
26 Oct 2012 | Sterrenkijkavond | MvdS (lezing), Silvia, Emilio, Cisca, Harry Balster, Hans Verheijen, Frank Teunissen, Henk de Groot (AKN-ers) | ca. 90 visitors |
18 Oct 2012 | GW lecture | MvdS | Thales, Zwolle (~30 people) |
16, 17 Oct 2012 | tweedaagse | Elmar Körding, ?? | high schools |
11 Oct 2012 | tour | Sjoert van Velzen | school? |
10 Oct 2012 | Sun lecture | MvdS | Sonnenborgh Observatory, Utrecht (~40 people) |
28 Sep 2012 | Sterrenkijkavond | Martin, Leon Houben (lezing) , Cisca, MvdS, Harry Balster, Marc Fokker, Henk de Groot, Jan Hermsen (AKN-ers) | ca. 45 visitors |
26 Sep 2012 | PUC markt | Marijke, Leon Houben, Remco Casteleijn | high school teachers |
21 May 2012 | GW lecture | MvdS | Astra Alteria, Putten (~30 people) |
28 Apr 2012 | Binaries lecture | MvdS | Halley Observatory, Heesch (~30 people) |
16 Feb 2012 | Sun lecture | MvdS | Sonnenborgh Observatory, Utrecht (~40 people) |
*) Publieksdag visitors: 34 for RIF tours, 96 for optical telescope tours, 109 for planetariumshow (booked out all day)
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