FNWI --- IMAPP Department of Astrophysics
Radboud University > Faculty of Science > Department of Astrophysics


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default_sidebar_left [2018/05/23 15:05] ekoerdingdefault_sidebar_left [2024/05/29 15:22] (current) aschut
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 ===== Internal ===== ===== Internal =====
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   * [[Internal:computing:start|Computing]]   * [[Internal:computing:start|Computing]]
   * [[Internal:Traveling]]   * [[Internal:Traveling]]
-  * [[news:Googlecalendar|Calendar Videoconference room HG 02.749]] +  * [[Internal:servicetasks|Department Service Tasks]] 
-  * [[news:Calendar Seminars & Colloquia]]  +  * [[Internal:Googlecalendar|Calendar Videoconference room HG 02.749]] 
-  * [[news:Calendar WHAM|WHAM schedule]]+  * [[|Colloquium calendar]]  
 +  * [[|Astro meeting calendar]]