              Observing manual for the UVEX survey 


The Survey

The observing manual for the UVEX survey can be downloaded following this link here

When observing, please note the following points:

- Observations are made in the RGO U (#204), Sloan g (#220), Sloan r (#214) and HeI 5875 ( #229).  Additionally we always have Sloan i (#215) and H-alpha (#197) in the filter wheel. These are identified in the Mimic as, resp, U, g,r,i,HeI and Ha. If these filters are not showing up in the Mimic, please ask your support astronomer to change them to the correct filters. In particular make sure that RGO U is in the filterwheel and not Stromgren u (identified as 'u').

- Make sure to interrupt the observing scripts at least every two hours to obtain observations of photometric standards. Use the standard star scripts for this, and check if the standards are not saturated. If so, decrease the integration time, with a minimum of 1 second.  Also take standards when weather conditions are not optimal. It is our prime source of information on the night's quality. Check if the standard stars are not too close to the Moon (>30 degr.). For the UVEX fields the observing scripts checks this, but not so for the standards.

- Obtain biases (at least 20) in the afternoon, before sunset, with a fully darkened dome.

- Obtain flatfields in evening and morning twilight. You can start with HeI right at sunset. Do not forget to offset the telescope (`offset arc X X') between flatfields. Not that the offsets are absolute to the initially requested pointing and not relative to the previous position of the telescope. Obtain flats in the following order for evening twilight: HeI, U, g, r. In the morning twilight, reverse the order.  Aim for 20000 cts/pix in all flatfields.

- At the start of the night, please make a copy of the 'fields.done' file to 'fields.done.ddmmyyyy', with ddmmyyyy the current date.  At the beginning and end of the run, send Paul Groot the text output of the 'region status' script.

- At the start of the night make sure the autoguider is switched off. Not only by typing 'tv off', but also by clicking in the small GUI window on 'Disable'.

- All data is automatically copied to CASU in Cambridge for processing. It is not necessary to make back-ups of your observations, unless you include observations other than for the UVEX, IPHAS or Kepler-EGAPS programs.

- Do not forget to fill the cryostat in the afternoon and in the morning.

- Visibility of the constellation-patches used in IPHAS and UVEX can be found by using this coordinate-list, with the Visibility tool on the ING webpages.

- For IPHAS observations, please find the observing manual here
