Circular Polarization of Radio Emission from Relativistic Jets
This are files from the paper "Circular Polarization of Radio Emission from Relativistic Jets", by T. Beckert & H. Falcke (A&A, 2002).
- Linear to Circular Conversion Movie (MPEG, 18MB!)

- Smaller version of the movie (MPEG, 4.4MB)
(Internet Explorer 6 users: Store and run in external media player if movie plays too fast and too short)
A circularly polarized wave can be composed of two
orthogonal linearly polarized modes shifted in phase. A phase
shift would be produced by a plasma in a magnetic field
perpendicular to the propagation direction of the waves (here
along the z-direction). Without phase-shift the sum of the two
modes would be a purely linearly polarized wave.
movie shows the effect of how phase-shifts in a region
will turn such a linearly polarized wave in to a circularly
polarized wave (conversion). See Sec. 2.3 for details.
- Faraday Rotation Movie (MPEG, 15MB!)

- Smaller version of the movie (MPEG, 3.4MB)
(Internet Explorer 6 users: Store and run in external media player if movie plays too fast and too short)
A linearly polarized wave can be composed of two
orthogonal circularly polarized modes shifted in phase. A phase
shift would be produced by a plasma in a magnetic field along the
propagation direction of the waves (here along the
y-direction). The movie shows the effect of
additional phase-shifts on the linear polarization, leading to
Faraday rotation. See Sec. 2.3 for details.
- CP in Sgr A* Presentation - Slide Show (HTML)
- CP in Sgr A* Presentation - Slide Show (PPT, 2MB)
Heino Falcke (, Thu Dec 13 13:39:06 MET 2001