Ben Stappers (Manchester)
| Pulsars with LOFAR |
Huib Jan van Langevelde (JIVE/Leiden)
| Magnetic fields measurements around young and old stars using masers
Huib Henrichs (Amsterdam) | Magnetic fields in massive stars |
Frans Snik (Utrecht) | Magnetic fields in the Sun |
Heino Falcke (Nijmegen) | Ultrahigh energy Cosmic rays with LOFAR and Auger |
Kees de Jager (em. SRON/Utrecht) |
dynamo instabilities
Henk Spruit (MPE Garching) | Understanding the Solar Magnetic Field |
Don Melrose (Sydney) |
do plasma astrophysicists ignore by using only half of
Maxwell's equations?
Anna Watts (Amsterdam)
The strongest magnetic fields: Magnetars
Janusz Gil (Zielona Gora)
Magnetic fields in Radio Pulsars
Giorgi Melikidze (Zielona Gora)
Magnetic fields in neutron stars
Walter van Suijlekom (Nijmegen)
The (noncommutative) structure of spacetime
Ad van den Berg (KVI Groningen)
Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Marijke Haverkorn (Nijmegen)
The Magnetic Field in the Milky Way Galaxy
Mattias Marklund (Umea)
Gravitational wave distortions of space-time
Gijs Nelemans (Nijmegen)
Gravitational wave astronomy